New Tactics

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I fumed as i sat in my chambers eating my meager meal. It consisted of meat and bread, which  all that i could stomach consuming  in this dreadful kingdom. Everything tasted awful, just  as i had expected

Worse still Arrius had continued to treat me as if i were his mortal enemy instead of the betrothed Maximus Caesar had declared me to be

It infuriated me, his nerve!

Still i had to tread carefully. We were in another's territory and he could kill me and blame it on these Africans

I scrunched my nose up instinctively just thinking of them

they were so uncouth and vile, well all except this guard i had met when i arrived Kamau. he was sweet and his build was strong as sexy like Devon. Unfortunately he was young and thus his character weak and impressionable.

I knew immediately  when he smiled at me that he would be the new pawn i used  to aid me in my agenda

The argument with Arrius still weighed on me. I was still not pregnant and I knew that  if i didn't get pregnant soon the times would appear suspicious, giving him even more motive to protest  wedding me

But how could i get pregnant when he would hardly speak to me much less touch me

My only options at this point  were to use another to get pregnant. Drugging him was attempting to many times and he was now far more suspicious of such things

No i needed to find a different tactic


The barbarous African music blared across the hall as the patrons within chatted drank and ate. The atmosphere although jovial felt somewhat somber. The Persian king was still slept, heavily sedated and recovering from his wounds, but Jaliyah was sill expected to show diplomatic politeness by hosting a feast for us

I personally knew how improtant it was for her king to survive his injuries. Her alliance with the Persian empire might falter if he passed away. For that reason alone i truly hoped he did die.

I hid my sneer behind my manufactured smile as i watched her hatefully

She sat all regally atop her dais, the opposite noticeably empty. Her countenance was clearly aggrieved but she remained the picture of decorum. Dressed impeccable with so many Nubian gems adorned in her dark hair, body and even her gown

I detested  her all the more for it

She always managed to supersede me in everything i did. I could never understand why that was, but it vexed me to no end

I watched enviously as she gathered her skirts and joined the twirling dancers as if she were carefree. I observed  served the gathered patrons sure they would be appalled and reprimand her crude behavior, instead i was surprised to see them clap and applaud her actions. they seemed to derive great joy from her performance, egging her on. Some even stood and joined the fray, as the music increased in tempo emboldened by the new dancers emerging

 I continued to drank heavily, picking at the unsavory food selection while  i witnessed the numerous amount of admirers surrounding her. Furthermore, Arrius had yet to arrive. 

I wondered where he was and prayed he wouldn't embarrass me by not showing. i had commissioned  the beautifully  crafted pale blue gown i wore, specifically for this trip and i hoped he would be awed when he saw it

Suddenly the music faltered,  momentarily snatching my attention

There he stood, in his most flattering attire all broad shoulders and strength. his dark tresses combed neatly  back from his face to perfectly showcase his chiseled jawline and the cut of his impressive cheekbones

He was masculine perfection

The Queen stuttered in her movements and stared at the new arrival

He ignored all the admiring eyes and confidently trolled over to the middle of the dancefloor before his hands snaked around Jaliyah's  waist,  pulling her as close as possible

Heat infused my very soul as i watched him sway sensually, holding her to his frame possessively. He looked at her the way i wished he would look at me, the way i wished anyone would

Rage engulfed me, his words of dismissal earlier replaying in in my head on repeat like a mantra

You are nothing but what Maximus Caesar declared you to be.  i do not desire you, like you or want you. 

I stood pushing my chair back harshly, no one noticed or cared as i stormed from the hall

As i stalked away my mind calculated all the  ways to achieve everything  i desired. i wasn't ready to admit defeat not against her, Not against any one.

 i only needed to rethink my plans

But how? 

"Are you alright my lady?" a voice asked pleasantly sweet but gruff

I looked up to see it was the young guard, Kamau. Who had expressed interest in me.  immediately I thought on how i could use his blatant affection to my advantage

I stroked his smooth brown cheek tenderly 

"I am fine do not worry Kamau"

"Is there anything you require my lady?"  he asked eagerly

" that you ask, there is something but i don't know" ....I choked feigning distress and turning away

"Tell me my lady i assure you, i will see it done"  he proclaimed tentatively touching my shoulder

I smiled inwardly

Turning back towards him i caressed his chest, sensually stroking my hands up and down

"I can't yet, but perhaps soon i will seek your help. Will you be there to aid me Kamau?" i purred

His breaths labored as i brought my lips close to his own

"Of course my lady. Anything you need" He agreed

I placed a gentle subtle kiss on his mouth, careful to not press to closely, so he hungered for more. His eyes closed and his chest heaved with the  desperation i always relished in seeing

"Good" this was just how i needed him. "Soon" i whispered before retreating making certain to give my hips an extra sway

As i retreated my new plan molded in my mind. Soon Arrius would see that i was what he needed when I aided him in securing his position with the empire

Everyone will forever remember his name. He will be revered as the legend he desired to be and I, would be the women blessed to be by his side.........................

What do you think Jenni has planned now?




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