Unselfish Choices

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She sat beside the senator smiling victoriously as he introduced us all. I gave her a tight-lipped nod and nothing else; refusing to acknowledge her traitorous ass in any way, decorum be damned. Thankfully I didn't have to give her much consideration being that I was a queen, and she, nothing more than his whore

Cassia gave her the same scathing looks like me and I was shocked, I honestly didn't think we would ever find anything we'd agree over  

I still didn't like her either, but at the moment she was a less of an issue for me than Jenni

From the corner of my eyes, I witnessed  Jeeni lustfully looking at my husband, a mischievous malicious glint in her eye. Immediately I knew what she was plotting. My husband was indeed a fine male specimen and his dick was good, not phenomenal, but good enough to do the job. However, Jenni wasn't after that, She likely only wanted to to get to him to get to me

What purpose that would serve was beyond me. I was still queen. No other could replace me until my death.  His love and devotion wasn't something i gave a shit about, so if he ever had other women I never cared

My attention drifted back to the sexy general waiting on the sands as the senator called for the match to begin

I watched impatiently listening to the boasting remarks of Jenni and eager prideful remarks about Arrius from Cassia before he finally took his position against his opponent

Apparently all the others had to battle first, to be proven worthy enough to fight the reigning champion, Arrius

He stepped forward as if bored and already assured of his victory. I had to admit i found it incredibly sexy

The fight commenced excitedly but within 3 minutes, mostly because Arrius seemed to be toying with the poor man, it was over

Bright red decorated the sands as Defeaning cheers sprang from everyone present making my ears ring, while my heart swelled with happiness for him

He beamed and paraded around the sands like a peacock showing off his prized jeweled toned feathers before he finally exited 

Then the entire royal party retreated to the dining hall for the rest of the night's festivities 


"Queen Jaliyah how did you and his majesty meet?" Jenni asked feigning nonchalance

The senator glanced at her perplexed with her questioning. But he said nothing

It was an odd thing to  ask a diplomat since it was personal and considered intrusive

"At his palace" was all I offered

"And yourself?" 

"O we met when I would serve him, we always stared longingly at one another until one day we could no longer hide our affections for each other"

Cassia choked on her food a look of disgust plastered all over her face

I simply smiled at her fake love story

"Of course. Why serve when one can simply lay on their backs for gain right?"

Jenni's nostrils flared with anger at my words. The men around us had begun to converse about politics, oblivious to the verbal sparring of us females

"It seemed to have worked well for you"

I took a deep drink of my wine 

"Except I am Queen and you..well I'm sure you're aware" I snickered mockingly

Cassia joined in; igniting Jenni's fury.

 she clenched her hand around her goblet before whispering into the senator's ear and storming from the hall

I knew it wouldn't be the last I saw of her, but I could hope, right?


That night

Arrius reluctantly found me again lingering under the moon in the courtyard

"Quite an impressive show you displayed today General," I said not turning to fully acknowledge him

"I won for you my Queen"

I chuckled mockingly 

"You have won many time Arrius none have ever been for me, I suspect it was for glory which seems to be something you vehemently seek"

"Perhaps, but you were on my mind when I won today, that much is true"

I nodded as I felt him at my back. His hand brushed against my shoulder tenderly

I turned to face him cursing at how handsome he was. I could almost forget when I wasn't looking at him, but now...

His hand caressed my face slowly; his finger lingering at my bottom lip

"You are so exquisite" he murmured bringing himself closer into my space

"We..We cant do this" I said feeling my breaths quicken at his nearness. His scent surrounded me making me inhale and whimper with intense yearning

Suddenly his control seemed to snap 

"Just one  taste"  he growled before crashing his lips down onto mine

His tongue pressed forcefully into my mouth stroking and twirling making me moan softly at his explosive taste; the feel of his velvety softness circling mine sending me into a tailspin of pleasure

I was consumed, bursting with the flavor of him. I never wanted it to end

Suddenly I felt my back hit the wall of a tall pillar with his sexy groans of desire as his strong hands moved down to grope at my full breasts, roughly. My core throbbed and leaked at his show of blatant dominance. It only made it  that much harder to stop, but I knew I had to; for both our sakes

I tore my mouth away and slowly backed up

He watched me, his lips glistening and swollen from our kisses as I slipped further away from him

"Come to me tomorrow" his tone a demand disguised as a humble plea

This was a man used to being obeyed however he would learn with me that I was stubbornly defiant to the end 

Despite telling him what I should have I simply nodded, agreeably, then turned and fled just as I had the first time 

But sleeping next to my husband that night, my mind was filled with errant thoughts of another man and for the first time ever, I was conflicted 

My empire depended on this alliance, i couldn't allow my own selfish desire to be the ruin of thousands

This may have been the past I was stuck in, but I refused to be a Helen of troy................




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