The Promise

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My husband had not come to bed again as was becoming his routine. So it was no hardship to sneak out of our rooms and find the Ludus that housed Devon. A few guards attempted to intervene until they saw who i was. They quickly stepped aside and apologized profusely for the offense.

I used it to my advantage telling them they were forgiven if they kept my presence a secret. As soon as i stepped inside the chambers housing the gladiators. An asphyxiating cloud of despair and desolation threatened to choke me. Unwashed bodies and filth saturated the place. Men groaned in cages shifting uncomfortably with their injuries. I spied a rat or tow scurrying at my disturbance

I ignored it all as i distressingly scoured cage after cage looking for Devon

(this is an emotional scene for these two and you will see why later, The song is so soulfully sad so sorry if you tear up a bit)

I finally saw him. He was in an isolated  room unlike the others, not much larger than the cells but it at least held a tiny window and a cot instead of the hard  ground. I assumed it was due to his status as a champion

"Devon!"  i whisper yelled

 Immediately I heard movement inside the room as i worriedly looked over my shoulder. I knew for a Queen it would not look good to be seen here. It Might even risk the alliance. But i owed Devon so much.  I couldn't leave him to this horrific fate i just couldn't

The door creaked cautiously open 

I instantly threw myself into his arms. Tears falling unbidden onto his hardened  bared chest. 

"Devon!" i cried as his strong arms engulfed me in familiarity. I felt at home there just as i always did

"I'm so sorry" I hate that he ended up here instead of back home or somewhere more favorable

He pulled away looking down at me intently

"I..thought you were dead" I sniffled

"So did I. But I am so glad your alive Liya"

"I will get you out of here Devon. I promise" 

He studied me his eyes lingering on my clothing. Yet he didn't ask the questions i saw lingering in his dark eyes. I knew he witnessed me sitting out in the arena yesterday. In the nobility box

"I am alright Liya. Do not trouble yourself" 

He even spoke differently. this was not the man i once knew.  They had changed him

"Stop it Devon! i will not leave you in here... to this!"  I spat gesturing around to his dirty small cell room "If i had known" i said tears once again clogging my throat

"Stop!!!!" He growled clutching me to him

I wiped away the freshly leaked tears, strengthening my resolve

"I will save you from this wretched place Devon no matter what you say" i vowed

A sound nearby interrupted out moment. I couldn't be caught her with him. I would never help him if my position was compromised

"I will be back trust me". My gaze bore into him intently. I poured all my affection i always held and always would, into that look. We had been through much together before. I prayed he remembered that now and remembered just how deep our loyalty towards one another ran. I quickly gripped him in a fierce yet  brief hug. Then i quickly retreated back the way i came


The senator had planned a exceptionally lavish party for what i didn't know. It seemed romans never needed a true  reason to throw a party. Wasting food and money on their boredom and boasting 

It seemed this nation was keen on bragging. The grandeur your parties, the stronger your gladiators, The larger your jewels and riches; it all meant you were somebody. Someone to be envied, admired and respected. It was honesty sickening and pathetic

But i played the doting African Queen beside my husband

The party was everything i expected from a roman senator. Naked slave women being sexually assaulted by the guests. Wine offered to near overflowing. Literal orgies in plain view. I had never seen so many openly displayed blowjobs and threesomes in my life. The sounds of laughter and sexual gratification were near deafening all night

That coupled with the scent of intercourse was overwhelmingly nauseating yet in true queenly decorum; feigned nonchalance. Sipping my wine alone

My husband had disappeared. no doubt to join the depraved festivities. I watched the general arm in arm with cassia the whole night. My heart hammered as I followed him with my eager eyes. He seemed to be avoiding my gaze the whole night i felt a bothersome distance placed between us that had not existed before

I wished i had a moment to steal him away. He looked so especially enticing tonight.

I hated that he couldn't be mines. Our intimate time together replaying in my head. I had never felt so sated, so desperate for a man, even after i  already had  him

He was everything i never realized i desired in a man. It was so unfair that it would  happen when we were both  unavailable

Drums sounded jolting me out of my indecent memories of our naked limbs entwined

I gasped aloud as i saw the senators gladiators marching out as if on display

They lined up side by side in a single file

I held my breath as i stared at Devon. He stood glorious and confident in his stature. His chocolate brown skin gleaming underneath the glowing torches strategically placed around the room. His body was not the same as it once was. There were far more defined muscles and numerous scars i knew were newly acquired in countless battles

"Welcome Guests Today i have a treat!!!"  the senators voice boomed across the space stilling all movement "My champion the Stygian of Death against....... Our very own General Maevius"

"A the death"

My heart fell into the pits of hell at his declaration. My gaze snapped to Arrius with pleading, Yet he looked unbothered as he drew his sword and Devon confidently took his own,  stepping forward to meet him. 

The room cheered and tittered in excitement, but I felt my breathing labor in fear

This couldn't be happening.  Arrius promised to help Devon, not kill him. Was this a part of his plan? My mind raced  with frantic ways to stop this madness or at least halt it until i could speak to Arrius or find a solution to save Devon myself

But time was not on my side as i heard the deafening words 


Who do you think will win?

Things will get more crazy emotional from here. Hope ya'll are ready!




Thanks for Reading!

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