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After my duties i went in search of the answers i so desperately needed. i had just spent an hour listening to my advisor, explain to me all the reasons i should accept the new terms. And he was right, i knew it. still i wouldn't feel appeased until i had an explanation 

Unfortunately my need for answers went unfulfilled. the Prince was "occupied" all afternoon and at the dinner meal he was absent as well

I was beginning to think he was avoiding me purposefully. i had only hours left until I would have to accept his terms and he likely wanted it so that i couldn't confront him and demand he retract them

That evening i swam peacefully in my bathing chambers with a half empty pitcher of wine perched on the ledge. I was a tipsy and the warm water felt sinfully good against my nude body. I washed and swam drank and swam. Again and Again

The hour was late but my nerves wouldn't allow me to sleep. So instead of fretfully tossing and turning i opted for a late night swim. I could feel the stress of the day melting away with every glide in the water

I dived beneath holding my breath and luxuriating at the feel of the water rippling around me. When i resurfaced, pushing my hair from my face i noticed a lone figure standing near the entrance

Startled, a loud gasp tore from my throat. Until i realized who it was 

"What are you doing here?!"  i growled.

He said nothing as he watched me

Frustrated i climbed from the water snatching up my drying cloth and holding it against my exposed body, as i stormed towards the offending man

"This is my private bathing chambers, how did you get past my guards" i barked

He blinked at me, unperturbed with my anger which only fueled it higher

"I am the Persian Prince. Your soon to be husband. they could not stop me"

I gritted my teeth at his smug declaration

"You are not yet my anything and therefore have no right to be here" I countered

He didn't reply but his gaze slide down my nude, wet body appreciatively. I watched as his eyes tracked a droplet of water that escaped my hair, sliding down to my collarbone and disappearing into the crease between my breasts

He licked his thick lips, a hungry expression crossing his face

"I was told you were looking for me .so i came to offer myself"

His choice of words and suggestive tone was not lost on me. I felt my traitorous body respond to them; heating and tingling from within

I cleared my throat and pushed my raging libido down as far as i could, which wasn't very far at all

"I...I wanted to ask you why you have renegotiated the alliance agreement. Why do you wish to leave your beloved empire to serve as a king to my own?". 

He stepped closer to me and the look in his eyes were so hard and primal that i wanted to immediately step back. but i was a Queen. A Queen never cowered or showed fear

"It is simple. i desire you, your majesty." His voice purred, He reached towards me and fingered a loc of my wet tresses. He eyed the curly pattern seemingly entranced by it

I swallowed at his proximity. he smelled too good. I hated that

"You will have me. If the alliance is made, we will be wed and I will be officially yours. You do not need to live here and uproot your whole life. N-"

"I do not wish to have a marriage of convenience with you. Marriage alliance or not. I desire to sleep beside you each night"

 He took as step closer. 

"To take your luscious body whenever i wish, which will be quite often"

 Another step.

 "To Watch your glorious body swell large with my children"

His final step brought his broad muscled chest up against my breast, which had pebbled already from his words

"I want to be present for it all". he whispered against my ear. A shiver racked my wet body as I stood speechless. 

Of every explanation i could have imagined i never expected it to be this 

"You don't even know anything about me. I could be a horrible wife"

He smirked at me 

"I doubt that immensely. Already you are everything i have ever wanted in a wife. A true wife not merely one given for gain and greed. I know my other wives. Have spent time with them and their families, before they were offered and selected for the position. Yet not one has evoked the amount of emotion, the feral need to possess, as you have."

" You, your majesty captivate me"

Once again I was stunned, not knowing how to respond to everything he just openly confessed

The next moment however proved no response was  needed. He swooped down and crushed my lips in a brutally dizzying kiss, It had been so long since i had allowed a mans touch. Pushing his tongue into my mouth i moaned deep at the silky soft feel  of it, as his hand clutched me even closer my drying cloth falling at our feet

His kiss consumed me instantly; flooding my core with desire. As his tongue swirled with mine i realized why no response was needed. Everything was already said with that one powerful kiss

The very next morning the papers were signed with no protest from either party

It was official. In just a weeks time. i would be marrying the Prince of Persia.......

Should I give Arman a chapter?

Next we see what Arrius is up to. Get ready for some Drama. The next few chapters will have plenty




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!

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