Grave Injuries

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The heat of the sun glared at us as we rode out in perfect formation. I was decked out in my finest armor. My trusted general to my left my husband to my right

Both watched me ride in front as they followed deferring to my power and authority which i appreciated

Arman and I had yet to resolve the animosity between us as of late but i knew when it came to battle he would still always have my back

The Egyptian empire was here and looking to conquer. it was time to put aside our petty grievances and defeat our enemies

It had been a long time coming that my empire face Egypt but i was ready to be done with it all. I hated that my countrymen were having to war with not one but two, formidable countries. After my general gave his speech of encouragement, we all rode out pounding the dirt with our resilience and tenacity trailing with every heavy step

Reaching the Egyptian army my mouth wanting to drop in despair. There were hundreds present. Could we prevail with there numbers? The Persian warriors had not yet arrived.

I glanced at Arman, He looked so handsome and formidable decked out in his gleaming Persian armor. He smiled at me. his eyes holding none of the accusation they previously did. Instead they spoke of affection and adoration. Of a king loving his Queen

Suddenly the sound of hooves spread across the dirt like a well composed symphony to my sullen ears. A horde of troops surrounded the Egyptian army; swords all pointed and ready for battle

Persian soldiers

I grinned my gaze snapping towards Arman as he beamed at me proud

"FOR THE EMPIRE!!" my general bellowed and the battle began


Sweat glided off me as our forces beat back the Egyptians with impressive resilience

Arman and the general had long got lost in the fray. An enormous man approached as i severed a warriors head clean off. He bellowed and charged for me and i knew by the look in his eye that he knew exactly who i was

His ardency was born of a man who sought to kill me for glory. To end this war and claim a name for himself

I stood at the ready watching as he rushed closer, the so familiar bloodthirst present in his eye. He stood 6'5 and built like a dark pillar of darkness as he ploughed into me knocking me clear off my feet

I landed on my back, the breath knocked from me as i begrudgingly  marveled at his strength. Before i could catch my breath he struck his axe, bringing it down toward me. I quickly rolled away avoiding being struck in half and climbed to my feet.

He struck his axe back toward me as i jumped the opposite way and struck at his arm. He howled before striking at me again. I ducked and  slashed his thigh before quickly  moving away 

He bellowed with rage and pain as he renewed his attacks,  striking with  far more ferocity. I knew he was determined now; fueled by anger. He had thought me easy to kill but now realized that was not the case

However he wanted the glory of my kill for his own, so as he stuck i evaded countering with a strike of my own, until he struck again surprising me as he  sliced across my collarbone, cutting deep.

I yelped in pain but continued on as i leaped towards him taking him by surprise as i  stabbed him in  his shoulder just narrowly missing  his chest

He growled in agony, his axe striking down at my own chest, aiming to finish me

A sword intervened then, the sound of his axe reverberating against the steel of the blade.


He appeared seemingly out of nowhere, pushed the man back and attacked him with a ferocity i had never seen

Blood gushed from my  wound but still i stood fighting the men coming at me, defending Arman's back  while he fought  

After killing a man with a strike to the heart and another in the throat, a harsh growl of anguish reached my ears and i stretched my neck to see Arman being speared in the side by the giant man

"ARMAN!!!" I shouted in alarm as I rushed toward them

The giant drew his sword to finish  him off and i feared he would be killed before i could reach  him. I could feel my heart plummet watching as he moved to cleave Arman in half.

Then suddenly a large blade intercepted. It blocked the strike then countered with its own spewing blood everywhere as he stabbed twice. So fast it appeared as a blur. One in the heart, one in the neck

I froze as i dropped beside Arman's fallen form in disbelief

The male feel away instantly with the withdrawal of the blade, crumbing to the ground 

Dead and defeated


I shook away my shock as  blood poured from Arman's wound in copious amounts and his words slurred. I shouted for a healer afraid he would succumb out his injuries and die out here among the dirt had filth. This was no place for a prince to die, much less a king, defending his Queen.

 i suddenly felt like shit for treating his so terribly. He had came to my defense when i needed him most

As he gasped for breath all our arguments seemed so trivial and inconsequential

"GET A HEALER HERE NOW!!!.Hang on Arman i got you, you'll be fine"  i assured him

He stared at me his gaze strong even if his body was slowly fading

"I did adore know"

"I know Arman, don't talk, tell me later, okay" 

"Don....Don't for...get me..........promise"

Two tears trailed down my cheeks betraying my attempts of confidence

"I promise, Arman"

I felt his body slump as he fell unconscious............................

The reuniting of Arrius and Jaliyah next

Will Arman live? What do you think will happen to the alliance if he does not?




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