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The palace of Jaliyah's had been melancholy with her passing. Upon returning from the battle carrying my beloved in my arms I was shocked to see how easily accepted i was. None blamed me for her demise although, i constantly blamed myself. Each day i had found it hard to not falter at the realization that she was gone. For moths I kept expecting her to be there when i awoke in her bed each day 

I felt like the ultimate  failure. I had let my father down and I let my Queen down. 

Dawn was approaching but sleep didn't come that night, so I stood staring out at the expansive Nubian lands in deep contemplation as i was most days

Nubia was now my home after the revelations revealed since the day I had returned carrying their fallen Queen

She would want you to take the throne. There is no one else

"I cannot!!!"  I spat hotly. How could he expect me to sit where she did  after everything I have done, after how terribly  I failed her

I only came to deliver her body and attend her burial, but staying here was far too painful. I turned to stalk away until his words froze me

"Your son will be rightful king someday but he will never have that chance if there is not someone who cares for him protecting his birthright"

"My son? I do not have a son"

The advisor smiled knowingly

"You do" 

Just then the doors opened and a pale faced woman entered holding a toddler whose skin was nearly as pale as her own. She locked eyes with me as she approached but mine where fixed on the boy in her arms. The closer she got the more shocked I grew. the boy looked like a spitting image of me. Right down to the dark eyes.

My son? Jaliyah had my son? How? When?

Why did she never say anything? I scoffed inwardly. I was the enemy why would she. I scolded myself once again for my idiocy. It costed me more than i ever imagined

Lost time with my love, lost time with my son

"Yes his name is Ajani Arrius Maevius"

She gave him my family name. I felt hot tears prickle my eyes as i reached for my boy

"So you see now general you are very much needed. I know this is not something you wish to do but i implore you to consider it still.... for your son"

"For Jaliyah" the pale woman added

I snapped my gaze at hers seeing the pain and grief that mirrored my own. I returned my gaze to me son awed by him and saddened all over again that his mother was gone. He was all i had now. We were all each other had. With sudden Clarity I faced the advisor who had been watching us intently

"I will do it"


(the ending of this book definitely needed  African inspired music)

After that day I had dedicated my time to rebuilding the Nubian empire. I was determined to leave my son a flourishing kingdom. I was determined to make Jaliyah proud even in death. My son was all i now lived for. He was my everything. 

my sole reason to get up each morning, to keep pushing forward even when the grief would often resurface to overwhelm me

I frequently thought of my father and replayed our last moments together, our last words exchanged. I came to the conclusion that perhaps saving Jaliyah wasn't my redemption, perhaps my son and rebuilding Jaliyah's beloved kingdom, was my redemption

I had renegotiated the alliance with the Persians and without the Caesar, Rome was sent into a state of disarray which i had excepted. Using it to my advantage I decimated their army. Having trained most of their soldiers it was an easy task. Most did not want to fight me. They chose instead to pledge themselves to  the Nubian army. I allowed it of course, announcing that all who wanted out of the tyrannical empire were welcomed

Having done this I effectively re-built the Nubian army and strengthened the nation enormously. Even the Egyptians withdrew their war efforts against us, We were now known as a formidable nation. After all with our new force, the roman empire had never recovered. There was talk that Rome was struggling so heavily under the defeat, that they were now nothing more than a lowly nation 

I felt pride for what i have accomplished thus far. I originally had plans to secure my sons throne and then disappear, to live a simple life, but with the passing days that plan grew thinner and smaller until it disappeared entirely. I could never leave my son, even when he no longer needed me

"Daddy!" a voice called stirring me from my deep thoughts

I grinned as he ran at me. I picked him up hugging him tightly

"What are you doing awake it is barely dawn?"

"I had a dream about mommy!" he said excitedly 

I tensed as i always did whenever she was mentioned. The all too familiar sharp pain in my chest appearing 

"O did you?, was she still so pretty?"

"Yes. Mommy looked very pretty" 

Yes she always was I thought sadly

"That's good my son"  i replied distractedly, my mind was once again reliving our moments together, which were far too few


"Yes son"

"Mommy said to tell you she loves you. She said we will all be together again someday"

Immediately tears filled my eyes, yet  i refused to allow them to fall. I never wanted my son to see my so melancholic. I only openly allowed them free reign alone in bed at night, as i stared at her empty place beside me

"She is right"  i told him lovingly

I truly did hope i would. I dreamt of that day

"Look son. You see all that"  I said gesturing to the open lands i had been staring out at "Someday when you are older, this will all be yours."


"Yes. One day you will be the king of all of this"

"Just like you?"


"I will be the best king ever!" He declared

I chuckled heartily

"Yes you most definitely will be" I told him. 

And it was true. Between me and Jaliyah's blood coursing through his veins, there was little doubt that he would be anything other than an amazing ruler. 

Strong, fierce, fair and formidable

Together we watched the sun rise in silence as i stood clutching my son closely and thinking on how far i had come. I was once a nobody, then fought my way to a general, before becoming a senator, only to fall to the title of a disgraced traitor and now, I am a father and a king

Through it all I am proud of the man i have become today, rather than the fraudulent man i had lived as for decades. And it was all thanks to her

Jaliyah, My beloved Queen

Just as our son had claimed, We would see each other again someday....................


Thanks so much for Reading Guys. I hope you had as much fun  reading this story as much as i did writhing it. It was truly a emotional journey.

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