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In unison both my father and I grabbed our weapons lying nearby as the demanding pounding grew sharper, more urgent

"How did they find us?" I questioned my eyes glaring at the door.

Any moment the old rickety wood would come crashing off its weakened hinges

"I do not know. we are nowhere near the Empire"


"Where are we exactly?"

"Just outside the African border, where Namori was born"

African border?

 "which nation?" I asked suddenly feeling trepidation creep into my chest

BOOM!! BOOM!! the sound was growing louder with every increasing second. We needed to leave


I closed my eyes cringing at his answer. If romans had found us that meant they likely weren't looking for us, they were sent here for Jaliyah. they just happened to come across us in the process

"They have come for my Queen"

"The moor woman you love?"

"Yes!" i growled "These are likely scouts sent to test the borders for weaknesses, which means the army is not far behind.....they are coming. We need to leave"

"Come, this way!"  my father grabbed me hauling me to the corner past where the table we had shared many a meal stood. He moved a old dusty fur rug. I watched as he lifted a door hidden beneath the floor

"Get In!"

 Not hesitating I jumped into the darkened hole only large enough to kneel in. I felt my father jump in behind me and in silence, both of us in our own thoughts,  we crawled our way to safety

Upon emerging from the darkness of the tunnel. We stealthily fled through the woods, cautious as we had ever been. I had to reach Jaliyah and warn her. If i didn't get their fast enough, well  i hoped she had competent men who would see them coming in enough time to warn her

We ran steadily until the sun began to wane in the sky

"We should stop to rest"

"Why how far are we from the border?" 

"Not long about another day" 

"So we should keep moving" I decided 

He shook his head "we are near depleted in energy, we could push forward but what happens if we encounter soldiers. We will not be able to adequately fight them off as tired as we are. That could result in making a fatal mistake"

He was right of course i just hated the idea of wasting time doing nothing. sleep felt so idle, so unproductive, especially  now. Still it was the sensible thing to do so i relented

We found a crop of trees with large bushes growing at their base and situated ourselves up against them. It was the best place we could find to rest at. The bushes somewhat hid our large frames from seeking eyes. I laid my sword across my lap as did my father. I smirked as i realized how similar we were in more things than i would have ever guessed. My temperament, features, even our mannerisms were alike. Having never grown up with the man it was obvious it was genetics that caused our similarities


I Snapped awake at the sound of a crunch nearby, listening as it sounded once again. I looked over to my side to see my father gone. He was crouched in a tree across from me watching. I gathered myself and did the same.  A group of 6 soldiers were scouring the forest. I was almost certain they were looking for us

My gaze met my fathers and he nodded before charging at them. Immediately I  followed as we attacked. It took  but moments before they were all slaughtered their bodies strewn across the ground. 

Then we were running again.

It had been near 12 hours we had gone without food or water so worried we were, that we would encounter more soldiers, we didn't stop for anything, no matter how tired or weakened we felt. 

Just after dawn we finally arrived at the Nubian borders. My eyes widened and my heart sank as i spied the hordes of soldiers lingering around it. Too many to fight and far too many to sneak past

My father and I shared a look before retreating a safe distance away. 

We both sat against a tree. Silent in our thoughts. All i felt in that moment was defeat while  i racked my brain for a way to get through undetected. Unbeknownst  to me  the opposite thoughts lingered in my fathers own mind

(holy shit this music with this scene is so damn emotional. Tell me if you agree)

Quiet stretched between us along with an odd twinge of tension that made me uneasy. Then my father began to speak

"I am honored to be your father Arrius. I hope you know, though i may not have loved your mother i have always loved you. I am full of regret that I was not there for you, to shield you. I am sorry that i wasn't strong enough to stop the empire from bleeding their corruption and poison into you." 

"Father y-" I began attempting to stop him, but he cut me off and continued

"I am sorry i couldn't save you then. But...... i can now." He said before hauling me into his embrace.

 His breath hitched and I saw wetness coating his lashes. Startled I said nothing but returned his embrace. Until I realized the look in his eye was full of resignation.

Then he stood looking down at me as i still sat on the ground, stunning me further as he handed me his sword. I looked at its gleaming jeweled hilt and stood to look him in the eye confusion on my face. He said nothing as he reached to take my own sword in his hand.

"Get to your woman and save her. Don't make the mistake I did. This is my redemption. Now its time for you to go find yours."

 With that he took off for the crowd of soldiers,  Shouting a  deafening war cry

NO!. i started to shout after him but quickly snapped my mouth shut. My heart hammered and my face shimmered with the sheen of my unabashed tears as i watched my father, the last of my family that i had not even had enough time to know, sacrifice himself for me

I wanted to go after him but was determined not to let his sacrifice be in vain. I ran the opposite way hearing the commotion centered around my father, I slipped through the borders easily; my heart aching  with every step i took farther away. I vehemently hoped they  would only capture him and i would be able to save him one day, but deep inside i knew. I knew i would never see him alive again. The realization nearly made my steps falter but they didn't, because his  dying words echoed in my head

His words echoed in my head 

save her don't make the mistake I did. This is my redemption. Now its time for you to go find yours."

Yes, this was my redemption. I had done many, many things I was ashamed of but this, This  would be the one thing i could forever be proud of. 

I would fight for her empire  and fight for her. Protect her as i should have always done, Until my I no longer drew breath..............

RIP Titus! Such a great sacrifice a parent makes for their child. How heartfelt was his speech though?




Thanks for Reading!!!!!

For the Empire (BWWM/HISTORICAL)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ