So We Meet Again

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One week later

I paced my chambers thinking. Jaliyah and been successfully avoiding me since i arrived. Her hostile attitude like a living breathing entity, spearing and slicing at me at every waking moment

Seeing her once again felt like finally having fresh air after near suffocation. The fear that encompassed me at seeing that male nearly cleave her apart was unlike anything i had ever felt before in all the battles i had endure over my life span

 Her king Arman remained in slumber. No one was sure he would ever wake again, I could tell it bothered Jaliyah his condition and the uncertainty of his recovery

Did she no longer hold any affection for me? Did this new male now capture her heart? I was told it was a match born of necessity, perhaps they were wrong.

These thoughts tormented me endlessly along with the truth of why i was really sent here.

Each day i arose in her kingdom, i had to pretend for the sake of my own empire, all the while loving a female who  so clearly despised my very existence

I could tell she was suspicious of my sudden appearance

i wondered if it was futile to push this treaty. My Queen was many things but stupid was not one of them

Then there was Jenni to contend with.  She had taken to playing her betrothed role  too enthusiastically 

I still  had yet to touch her since that night and yet to punish her for her attempted deceit onboard our voyage here

Perhaps that had gave her the false hope of escaping my wrath, but i was simply preoccupied with other things or rather another


The door of my chambers swung open with a bang

Jenni stalked inside her face red with anger, her hands resting on her slim hips and her lips pressed tightly together in a sneer

I groaned in annoyance at the intrusion

"What do you want!" i spat

"I am your betrothed Arrius! you have done nothing this entire trip but ignore me! What would Maximus Caesar think if he heard the way you are treating me, How your too busy sniffing lustfully behind the Nubian Queen to focus on your mission!"  she taunted

I chuckled  humorlessly

You are nothing but what Maximus Caesar declared you to be. Let us speak plainly. i do not desire you, like you or want you. Before this mission has concluded i will be rid of you and Maximus Caesar will never even know"  i grinned sinisterly

Her confident countenance wavered significantly

"Arrius i just wish for love me"  her shrill tone lightening

Did she think me a fool? She didn't love me or wished for my love.  She only desired the wealth and prestige my status would provide

"If you ever seek to threaten me again i will grant you far less than my affections. Death seems a much more agreeable fate for one such as you i think"  i barked, before quickly exited my chambers 

I couldn't  stomach another moment in her presence


Storming down the corridors i was livid

Jaliyah was in a meeting discussing matters pertaining to her country but had yet to set dates to do such pertaining the treaty for my empire

She had brought me to my last shred of patience. I didn't truly care about my mission i just desperately needed to been near her.  I had endured her scorn long enough. 

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