"And you still don't know the gender?" Rome asked.

Laya looked at her evilly, "Of course I do,"

All three women looked at Laya in surprise, "You do!" Greece said.

Laya nodded, "I asked the doctor to tell me, but I haven't told anyone,"

"Tell us!" Rome nearly screamed.

"I'm a goddam doctor!" Dallas yelled, "Tell us!"

But Laya only shook her head, "Nope."

"Why?" Rome pouted.

"It's a surprise," she giggled.

"Do the boys know?" Greece asked.

"Nope, but they don't even know I know," Laya shrugged.

"Have you thought of na—"

Suddenly tires screeched as the workmen ran from the gate as an unfamiliar van pulled up outside and instantly all four woman lifted their weapons.

"Move out of the way!" Greece yelled at the workmen as she shot at the van.

Rome followed suit lifting her weapon as she stepped in front for Laya shielding her slightly.

The van door opened and something was rolled out before they sped away. The women gave chase as Rome shot at the tires, Dallas beside her doing the same and Greece managed to break the back window as the van sped away. Rome's eyes widened at the person laying in front of them, beaten and barely holding onto life.
"Dallas!" She yelled.

"Shit!" Dallas yelled as she bent down to tend to the battered human.

"Who is that?" Greece asked.

Laya had waddled her way over and a small gasp left her mouth, "Is she alive?" Laya asked.

"Barely," Dallas responded after taking her pulse.

"What the hell! Were there gunshots!" Allegro asked as he ran out front to meet them.

Greece explained everything to him as Rome took a closer look at the woman, whose face she should have recognized sooner.

"Kylana?" She asked slowly.

"You know her?" Allegro asked.

"Yeah, she was my father's um... girl, she was my friend."

Allegro growled, "Sai is getting on my nerves now,"

"Why would he drop here?" Rome asked.

She was unable to take her eyes off her friend, "She most likely has a message for us," Allegro answered.

"Help me move her," Dallas said as Allegro bent down.

The rest of the boys made their appearance shortly after with horrified expressions on their faces, as Laya and Rome explained what had happened. Rome tucked her gun back into her jeans before turning to Alejandro who was giving her a nervous look.

"You okay?" He asked.

She nodded, entering his arms for comfort.

"I knew her, she was my father's most recent girl, she was my friend." She sniffled, "She helped me get out."

Alejandro kissed her forehead, "Dallas will take good care of her,"

Three hours later, Dallas has come to let Rome know Kylana was okay. Rome has jumped up and ran into the room to see a still sedated Kylana sleeping. Rome pulled a nearby chair and held her hand, sending a grateful look to Dallas who was performing her final checkup before leaving.

Rome waited in the clinic room, Alejandro had brought her dinner awhile ago and had eaten with her while they took care of Kylana. Suddenly Rome gasped as Kylana's eyes fluttered open. She immediately rushed to her bedside.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked.

"Kylana," Rome spoke quietly.

"Rome?" She asked.

Rome nodded, "You're safe. Do you remember anything?"

She furrowed her eyebrows, "No— I,"

She bit her lip, her brows furrowing, "How'd you find me?" She asked.

"I didn't find you, earlier today a van just dropped you off," Rome stated.

Kylana's eyes suddenly widened, "Your father Rome! He told me to tell the Martini's he's coming! That— that he was going to kill them very soon!"

She gripped Rome's arm fiercely, "I'll let them know,"

Kylana sighed, "I've missed you,"

Rome hugged her, "So have I,"

"I'm sorry  this happened to you," Rome began, "You didn't deserve it,"

Kylana smiled, "Your father thinks they killed you,"

Rome nodded, "When he told Fleur Müller that the Martini's had taken you— it only cemented his allegiance to your father. They've been working together ever since."

"What are they planning Kylana?" She asked.

The older woman shrugged, "He never told me, he only instructed me as to what I had to say if I ever saw them, to let the Martini's know their time has run out,"

Rome scowled, "How'd my father ever part with you?" She shook her head, "What I mean is why'd he send you?"

Before her question could be answered Allegro and Alejandro entered the room both with serious question on their faces before Rome relayed everything that Kylana had told her to Allegro and Alejandro. The two men listened intently before Allegro frowned.

"I'm calling a meeting now," Allegro muttered before leaving the room.

Rome nodded before turning back to Kylana, "I'll be back later alright,"

Kylana smiled, "Of course, I'll be here,"


A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

with everything that is going on in the world i'd like to speak out & share my voice.

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