"And you should have seen Jerry's face," Eno continued.


"Yes, Jerry. As soon as we saw the three of you, Uzo and I rushed out. His expression after you walked out on him was priceless," Eno squealed into the phone, excitedly.

"Really?" Tilewa found that last bit of information hard to believe and she did not even know how to feel about it. Her ex was not one to show remorse for wrongdoing easily. The main reason she had walked out on him the other night was that she felt he had come to soothe his conscience with that sham of an apology. She was not going to give him the satisfaction of a peaceful conscience after what he had done to her so she had a hard time believing that he could have been shocked when she had walked out on him.

"Anyhow, don't forget to call Uzo o, and greet your Ekene for me"

"We're having lunch this afternoon, I will try to remember sha," Tilewa responded.

"Ehhhhh, love wantintin," Eno cooed
Tilewa laughed. "Eno, have a lovely day."

"Yes o, you too. Enjoy your lunch! Bye"


Knock knock.

Tilewa looked up from the work she was doing on her computer as whoever let him/herself into her office. She was surprised to watch Ekene's tall frame emerge.

"Hi," she said, suddenly breathless. She frowned at that. She was going to have to learn to control her emotional reactions around him.

"Hi," he replied, taking in the place as he strode in. The cream walls had different murals on them and white tiles reflected the white light from the overhead bulbs, the blinds were over the window as the air conditioning was on full blast. She was the only one who occupied the small room which was adjoined to Sinclair's office.

"You didn't tell me you were coming."

He shrugged as he carefully inspected the room. "I decided to pick you up for lunch."

"You know you didn't have to right?"

"Fine, I just wanted an excuse to see you," he admitted leaning his hands against her desk and bending a little to look at her without her having to strain her neck.

She took a deep breath to calm her somersaulting stomach and tried very hard to hold the smile that crept its way onto her features. She blinked, flustered, as he looked straight into her eyes.

His matter-of-factness and extremely forthright nature were an obvious trait about him, although she was yet to decide whether she liked it or not.

"I like it when I make you speechless," he said tilting his head and holding her eyes.

"Well, I don't and stop looking at me like that," she retorted.

"Feisty, are we?" he smirked, obviously relishing the moment.

She rolled her eyes at him in response.

They stared each other down, waiting for the first person to break.

The sound of the door opening made it a draw as they both looked up.

"Tilewa, I want to you recheck this files and-" Sinclair looked up from the pieces of paper in her hand when she sensed a third presence in the room.

Mr Okafor was bent over at her assistant's table looking up at her. Her gaze swivelled over to said assistant and it took everything in her to keep her from laughing. She had already predicted all these fireworks between the pair less than 5 hours ago and her assistant had argued and denied. Tilewa looked like a child that had just been caught stealing meat from her mother's pot. Imprinting a knowing smirk on her face to replace the shocked expression that had been there seconds ago, she looked fully at Mr Okafor and greeted him. He stood to full height to give her a handshake as they exchanged pleasantries and boy! Was he tall!

Returning her attention to her assistant took a lot of effort because she had to refrain from making any jokes, or I-told-you-so comments. Mr Okafor was a friend to one of their clients and she had to keep things professional at all costs. Straightening herself, to give off a false aura of seriousness, she handed the pieces of paper over to Tilewa. "You can help me check this when you're done." And with a turn of her heel and a parting nod to Mr Okafor, she returned to her office and convinced herself that spying on her assistant through her office window was not going to be a good move to make in front of a client.

"So, shall we?" Sinclair heard Mr Okafor say, straining her ears to pick up the conversation going on in the next room.

"Give me a minute to clear my desk." Tilewa's response was slightly muffled. "Okay, I'm ready now," Tilewa said, after a while.

She stretched her neck to watch the duo step out of the office looking all cute and couple-y together.

If not for the dirt she had received on Mr Okafor a couple of hours ago, she would have totally shipped them, but knowing that Tilewa was getting involved with a playboy such as himself instead made her very scared for Tilewa's fate.

The girl was many things and obstinate being one of her defining traits, Tilewa was stubborn to a fault and had a reputation for doing what she felt like doing and not what she was advised to do. The worst part was that whenever she was given advice, she would always nod along to whoever as if she believed in whatsoever it was they were telling her. She never put up any argument if she had a contrary opinion, but once the person was out of sight, she discarded their words like a used tissue and went on ahead to satisfy herself.

There you have it!


Have a good one,
Mure 👑

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