Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 : Cody's Secret

We wake up the next morning around 9 am when a huge knock on my door echoes the house. My parents went on a lovebirds' weekend, again, to relax a bit, so I have to open the door. I walk downstairs sleepily only wearing an oversized t-shirt. I open the door to see a shaking Cody.

"Oh my god, Cody, come in." I say worriedly. "What is happening to you?"

"I... Blake... I..." He starts to stutter.

"Okay, first, you need to calm down..." I make him sit on the couch. "Put that on you and wait for me."

I give him a blanket, and I go to the kitchen so I can bring him a glass of water. When I come back, I see Cody looking at the floor, balancing himself strangely.

"Drink, Cody, drink." I say giving him the glass. "What's up, bro?"

"I... I need to tell someone; I need to tell you..." Cody says.

"Is it about the Agent Lewis? I know already, Victoria told me..." I try to understand.

"No... no, it's not about Matthew..." He realizes something. "Oh my god, he is going to hate me after that..."

"After what, Cody?" I look at him closely.

"I know who killed Hannah..." Cody whispers so no one else can possibly hear.

"What?" I whisper back acknowledging he probably doesn't want Victoria to hear a thing. "How do you even know?"

"I saw her... I saw her dead, Blake..."

"The hell?" I gulp hardly.

"He didn't mean to... I swear, it was an accident... he told me it was an accident..." Cody starts to shake again.

"Relax, mate, relax." I hug him. "I'm here, now. It's going to be okay..."

"No, no, no, it's not okay, Blake..." Cody cries. "I lied to you; Christopher killed her..."


"The day she died, she had a fight with my brother at 2 pm, she said she wasn't ready to be with him, he was mad but went home... after that, she went to see him, to apologize once again, but they fought in the house." Cody tells me. "I wasn't there, neither was dad. But, at 3.30 pm, Christopher called me, he was panicked, he was saying he killed her, that it was an accident, that she told him he was worthless and just good to be kept a secret"

"Feels like déjà-vu..." I whisper thinking about what Claire told me.

"So, he pushed her... the basement's door was opened... she felt in the stairs and hit her head on the floor, she wasn't moving anymore..."

"Oh, god..." I close my eyes in realization.

"When I went home, she was dead, I swear, I found her body at the bottom of the stairs, Christopher was crying in the living-room..." Cody sighs. "I tried to find a solution, but I couldn't think of anything... so, I called Dad at 5 pm and he went home at 5.15 pm... he said he will take care of it... he put Hannah in the trunk of his car and went back at 7 pm..."

"Why haven't you told me earlier, Cody?" I hug him and he breaks down in my arms.

"I was scared you will tell the fed's daughter..." Cody says, and I definitely hate that surname.

"Tell me what?" Victoria says sleepily.

"Oh..." Cody gulps hardly and turns to me.

"I can't lie to her anymore, Cody..." I look at him sadly. "I swear she will not say a word."

"Say a word about what?" Victoria starts to get mad.

"Go ahead..." Cody whispers exhaustingly and lays down on the couch.

"Come with me..." I lead a very mad Victoria to the kitchen.

"Don't you dare lie to me, Blake Williams." Victoria glares at me. "What is going on?"

"I will not lie to you, not anymore, okay? You said it, we're a team, now. No more lies, no more fights." I say and she smiles. "Cody went here two days ago, just after our fight at the park." I start and she nods again. "He was panicked and weird, so with Isaac we took care of him and he told us Christopher had been arrested."

"That's how you knew for the fight between Hannah and him, and why you came to our lift to say the truth to my dad, right?" Victoria understands.

"Yeah..." I sigh. "Anyway, I knew something was off, I never have seen Cody like that and yesterday, he went half-drunk at school and at the Millers' party, he was high and super drunk, which isn't the real Cody..."

"I know that, he doesn't seem like that." Victoria admits.

"Absolutely, and look at him now, I never have seen him like that..." I mutter sadly. "He came this morning, shaking and crying, I tried to comfort him, and he confessed..."

"What did he confess, Blake?" Victoria is eyeing me suspiciously.

"Christopher killed Hannah...." I whisper in defeat and Victoria looks shocked. "He called Cody for help, but Cody is not a killer, he couldn't think of anything, so they asked their dad, who took charge of the body, or almost..."

"Did he kill her on purpose?" Victoria thinks quickly.

"No, it was an accident, they were fighting, Hannah told Christopher he was worthless and just good to be kept a secret..." I tell her.

"This family..." Victoria recognizes the words Claire once told me.

"Yeah... always had a way with words..." I chuckle sadly. "Anyway, Christopher pushed Hannah, she felt in the basement's stairs, hit her head on the floor and died..."

"I don't want to be negative..." Victoria starts. "But this isn't good, babe..."

"I know..." I sigh. "Maybe, we can protect Cody..."

"He would never let his family pay without him." Victoria states.

"He didn't do a thing, Vic." I say. "I can't let him pay for something his brother and father did..."

At the same moment, a new panicked knock on the door happens.

"Oh no, not again..." I sigh and walk to the door. "Guys?" I frown seeing all my friends gathered.

"Is Cody here?" Isaac asks strangely. "Come on, Blake, we know he will come here after news like that."

"What news?" Cody says behind me.

"Cody..." Amber whispers sadly. "The FBI has arrested your father, this morning."

"I need to go." Cody tries to walk past me.

"You don't move. Don't do anything stupid." I make him look at me. "If you want to help them, let us train you."

I look at Isaac and Maria, and they understand. They walk in the house followed by the others. Isaac takes a chair and puts it in the middle of the living room. Cody sits on it and tells his story to the others. While he is doing it, I go back to the kitchen where Victoria is doing some fresh lemonade and aspirin for everyone.

"What are you doing, love?" I say hugging her from behind.

"If we need to train him, we'll need to stay awake, I don't know if you remember how drunk we all were yesterday, but this will be needed." She explains with a chuckle.

"You're the best, you know that?" I kiss her neck and help her taking everything to the living room.

"Oh, look at our power couple, ready to fight the FBI...." Ashley teases.

"We are not fighting the FBI." I state.

"We are helping Cody." Victoria continues with a smile.

"Let's begin, then." Isaac says.

Maria, Ashley, Amber, Joshua, Zach, Jason, Isaac, Victoria and I start to ask Cody a billion questions and we correct him when he says something wrong. After two hours of harsh interrogation, I feel like he is ready to face the FBI.

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