Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 : New Suspects

This news is everywhere. The FBI has arrested a new suspect, Leo Alvarez. The Drunkman's bartender and right-hand of M. Diaz is accused of murdering Hannah to make her dad shut up about M. Diaz's business. I chuckle while reading the newspaper. Claire told them about the talk between Leo and Hannah. I don't know if she told them she was a part of it, but I hope so, because Leo will not fall alone, he will reveal Claire's addiction by the way.

Knowing that Isaac is close to Leo, I think he might need to change his mind, so I dress up and walk to his house. I knock on the door and Maria answers.

"Hey, Maria." I smile. "Is Isaac here?"

"Hi, Blake." She smiles truly. "He is sleeping, come in, I'll wake him up." Maria lets me in. "He'll be happy to see you."

"Hi, Blake!" Miss Diaz says. "What are you doing here, sweetheart?"

"Hello, Theresa." I smile widely. "I went to see Isaac, I heard for Leo, and I thought Isaac would like to do something to change his mind."

"How lucky my son is to have you as a friend, Blake." Theresa Diaz smiles. "How are your parents?"

"Fine, they work really hard recently, and with all the things happening with Hannah's death... it doesn't make it easier." I confess.

"What about Ashley? She must be really sad; Hannah was her best friend."

"She is. Plus, the FBI thought Ashley and Amber could have killed her on Friday night..." I chuckle sadly.

"No way, I would have not let that happen." Theresa puts her hand on my back. "Don't tell the feds, but I've seen Hannah on Saturday morning, she went to the post office at 10 am. If the FBI had arrested your sister, I would have told them about that."

"But you don't really like them, so for the moment..." I zip my mouth with my fingers making her laugh.

"Exactly, sweetheart. You're a fast learner." She smiles and kisses my temple.

"Blake, why so early?" Isaac says half asleep.

"It's 11 am, bro." I laugh at his head.

"Too early. Indeed." He high five me and starts eating his breakfast. "You've heard about Leo?"

"Of course." I sigh. "What did he say?"

"He is confident, he didn't kill her. Blackmailed her, that's all. But Claire is going to have problems, maybe she should know that." Isaac looks at me.

"She is the one telling the feds about Leo, she should have seen it coming." I shrug as I warned Claire.

"She told you about the blackmail thing?"

"Yesterday, yes. I told her not to say the feds, but she doesn't understand a thing. At least, Ryan and Claire are going to talk now." I reflect.

"And the feds will stop harassing my father for Hannah's death." Isaac mutters.

"I hope so." I sigh. "So, do you want to go for a walk?"

"Yeah, sure. Let me get dressed."

"I'm waiting." I say loudly on purpose to make him hurry up.

"Such a child." He laughs and runs to his bedroom.

I go outside and wait for my friend to join me. As he does, we start to walk to the park where we sit on a bench, enjoying a bit of sun.

"What about you and the fed's girl?" Isaac asks.

"Haven't talk to her since the park accident." I say.

"Why?" He chuckles. "Are you scared you'll fall for her again if you talk to her?"

"Nope, this, I know I will..." I admit. "I just don't want to have this talk. I know we're going to fight, and it is not what I want."

"Then, try to talk to her asap. After that, you'll be free to be happy with her again. But, as long as you don't have this talk, the one you love will look at you with fucking daggers in her eyes..."

"What?" I chuckle looking weirdly at Isaac.

"Look at the ice cream house." He whispers and I do as he says. "See, I think it looks like daggers to me."

I look at Victoria who seems very angry. I gulp hardly and decide to go to her. Here goes nothing. I walk to her and she seems ready to fight with me.

"Can we talk?" I ask politely.

"After three days of you avoiding me?" Victoria chuckles nervously. "Of course, yes. Let's take a walk together."

"Okay..." I say and follow her.

"So, what are you doing? Still trying to protect your best friend?" Victoria attacks.

"Well, no. We were enjoying the sun. What about you? Still spying on me for your father?" I sarcastically say.

"Alright..." Victoria sighs. "Here goes nothing, Blake. I'm mad at you because you can't stop lying to my dad and also because you're flirting with all the girls you meet; and you're mad at me because you think I spy on you for my father and because you don't trust me anymore."

"Then, what?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I don't know..." She mutters. "Stop lying at first."

"Stop spying, then." I chuckle nervously.

"I AM NOT SPYING ON YOU." Victoria says loudly.

"Surely seems like that." I fake a smile.

"I hate that part of you." Victoria points out.

"Too bad. Some girls love it." I regret saying that the second I did.

"Jerk." Victoria looks at me in disgust.

"Sorry." I sigh. "Look, I don't want to fight with you, I really don't."

"Then, act like it." Victoria spits.

"I can't." I close my eyes feeling the tears coming up. "I can't trust you anymore."

"Blake..." Victoria says seeing me walking away from her. "Stop leaving like that!"

I walk back to Isaac and we leave the park. On our way home, I explain him all the things I feel, all my fears because of what Claire did to me years ago. He tries to comfort me, telling me I have to let her explain, that she is not Claire, and that it shows we want to be with one another. He knows I need time, but he is right when he says the happiest time of my year was with her. So, maybe, I'll let her explain.

When we arrive in front of my house, I see Cody worriedly waiting for me. We walk to him and he seems really off.

"What's up, Cody?" I ask trying to make him stop moving.

"The feds..." He starts. "They have arrested Christopher... After hearing Leo, they have made Claire and Ryan come to the police station. Apparently, Ryan told them he saw Hannah and Christopher fighting around 2 pm near our house."

"Did Christopher tell you about it?" Isaac asks.

"No, no, no." Cody continues to repeat.

"Calm down, Cody." I hug him gently. "Your father is going to manage that, okay?"

Cody seems to calm down, but he needs rest, so I lead him to my house and put him on the couch.

"That was weird...." Isaac says.

"Don't tell me about it..." I say looking at my friend asleep on the couch. "I need to find out what happened." 

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