Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 : And All Fall Apart

The next morning, the feds arrive at the Diaz House around 8 am. They ask Isaac to follow them which makes his Dad, Ricky, call his lawyer. Since then, he knows he has to hold his big mouth for an hour. I look through my window as my best friend is sent to the police station. I decide to go there too and to wait for him.

As I arrive in the main corridor, I spot Claire Thompson and her parents waiting for the feds to interrogate Isaac. I walk to them and they seem happy to see me.

"Blake..." The General Attorney Thompson says. "What a nice surprise! What are you doing here?"

"I saw the feds at Isaac's home this morning, I went to see what is going on." I smile politely.

"Did he do it?" Tracy Thompson asks me half crying. "Did he kill my little girl?"

"No, no way. He isn't like that, I swear, Miss Thompson, I know him, he couldn't do something like that." I explain and she starts crying. "I'm so sorry, Miss Thompson... I wish I could do more than that..."

"Don't worry, Blake, it's fine." Claire puts her hand on my shoulder sweetly. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, and, Miss and Mister Thompson... again, I'm truly sorry for your loss, Hannah was a friend of mine, she was a great girl, don't listen to what people are going to say now that she is dead..."

"Thank you, Blake." They both tell me with a sad smile.

Claire leads me to a quiet spot in the hall. She makes sure no one is around, and she hugs me tight.

"Thank you so much." She seems relieved. "Thank you for protecting Isaac, he told me I will not have to tell I asked for drugs, thanks to you. Ryan and I would have told them but if my dad cannot know about that..."

"He'll be fine, I trained him, he'll be okay until his lawyer arrives." I inform her. "Anyway, do you know what happened?"

"No, we were at Ryan's during the entire weekend... I'm so devasted..." Claire starts to cry, and I hug her tightly.

"It's going to be fine..." I say caressing her hair. "I have your back; it's going to be fine..."

"You know, if you weren't that young, you'll be the girl for me, Blake." Claire admits making me laugh. "You were my first girl; I'll never forget that."

"You were my first, you bet I'll never forget that." I laugh and she kisses my forehead. "Take care of you, Thompson."

"Be safe, Williams." She winks at me. "I'll always love you!" She yells while joining her parents back.

I smile and turn around just to see Victoria with daggers in her eyes. She is standing at the front door, so she did not hear the talk, she just has seen the hugs, the sweet kisses on the forehead and, maybe, heard the "I'll always love you" part. I think I can handle that. I walk to her and smile.

"Hey, babe." I try to act natural. "Did you sleep well?"

"I knew you'll be here..." She simply says. "Dad told me Isaac was being interrogated this morning and seeing how close you are, I thought I could find you here." I try to understand.

"Which you did." I smile innocently.

"Huh, yeah. Well, I was surprised to see you hugging and kissing another girl here though." She is mad. "Also surprised when she screamed, she will always love you."

"Oh, god, Victoria..." I close my eyes to think. "This is Claire Thompson, Hannah's sister. We know each other since childhood, she was my first everything, but she is with Ryan now and I've moved on too. You don't have to worry about her. I assure you."

"Fine..." She looks at me suspiciously. "Why were you talking with her, alone?"

"She wanted to ask me about Hannah, but not in front her mother, Tracy is a mess, which is understandable..." I look at the woman sadly.

"Let's say I believe you..." I roll my eyes. "Why did you lie to the police and to my father?"

"What?" I chuckle nervously.

"If Isaac lied about his alibi, you did too, Blake." She starts to get mad at me. "You were the one telling the police Isaac was home with you. Cody and Jason were sleeping, and you were playing FIFA with Isaac..."

"How do you even know that?" I ask getting mad too.

"This is not the subject." Victoria sasses.

"It is." I start. "Why do you even care? Are you a fed or something? Do you work for your father? Is it why you're getting close to me?"

"Of course not, stop changing the subject by saying those crazy things. I told you, I don't say a thing to my father. I heard him talk to my mom, that's all. And, it still doesn't tell me why you lied to him."

At the same moment, Isaac comes out of the police station. He looks at me expectantly and I sigh.

"We'll talk about that later." I say to Victoria.

"Blake, don't you dare leaving me right now." Victoria is furious.

"I'm sorry." I say with an apologizing frown. "I'll call you later, I promise."

She looks at me in disbelief and I walk to Isaac who looks relieved. We walk to the park where Cody and Maria told the truth to Amber, Ashley, Zach and Jason. As we arrive, everyone looks at us, half angry, half scared.

"How did it go?" Cody asks first.

"You two are the best professor ever?" Isaac smiles and hugs me before celebrating with the others.

"Why haven't you told us before?" Zach wonders. "We could have helped, it was the reason of our first gathering, remember?"

"Yeah... I know, but there are people I don't trust like Benjamin or Christopher... no offense, Cody..." Isaac apologizes.

"None taken." Cody smiles.

"So, what did you tell them?" Amber asks.

"The more we know, the more we can help." Ashley smiles.

"Well, I told them I was home until 2.45 am, then I went to the SmithLady to see Hannah, the diner closes at 3 am so we went to the park where we slept together, and I brought her home at 4 am." Isaac explains. "Then, this is the lying part, I went home directly."

"So, no Claire and Ryan?" Amber asks.

"As long as we can avoid that point, we'll try..." I answer thinking about Claire.

"And, how did you explain the lie?" Jason wonders.

"I told them saying the feds I was with the missing girl the night before her death wasn't a great idea, so I tried to lie, forcing my best friend to lie for me..." Isaac looks at the ground.

"Did you say that?" I frown looking at his face.

"Of course, I did. You can't protect me every time, Blake." Isaac explains. "I heard what the fed's daughter told you in front of the station... she believes you're lying for me, I don't want her or her father to think you did something else to protect me, so I lied and said I forced you to protect me."

"Anyway..." I sigh remembering my fight with Victoria. "We should go home, now that everyone knows the truth, we are safe."

Little did I know, someone was watching us, and my problems only started in this park.

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