Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 : The Williams Family

I walk back home and, as I open the door, the usual smell of my family comes to me. The feeling of being safe, being at home in a place where you are loved and cherished, is the best thing in the world. And, then, I hear my mom calling me, as always, super excited to see me.

"Blake? Is that you? Ashley told us you should be there soon." My mom's voice echoes in the big house. "I'm in my office, can you come?"

"Of course, mom. Be there in a sec."

I put my shoes off and walk happily to my mom's office. Our mom, Amy Williams, is a well-known lawyer, she works with Tracy Thompson and sometimes with Ginnie King, but Ginnie usually works for my dad's firm. Our dad, Michael Williams, is a great businessman and trader, which makes us one of the richest families here. As I walk into the room, Ashley joins our parents and I to talk about our day.

"How was your first day of school?" Mom asks sweetly.

"Cancelled." Ashley simply says drinking a glass of water.

"What?" My dad frowns.

"Hannah Thompson has disappeared, didn't you hear?" My dad says no. "Mom? Tracy didn't tell you?" I am slightly surprised.

"She wasn't at the office today..." Mom whispers.

"The FBI is here, too." Ashley chuckles. "They asked us a lot of questions during our morning classes."

"Excuse me?" Mom raises her eyebrow. "Did they have our authorization for that? Interviewing children without their parents' authorization, what is that?"

"Mom..." I try to calm her. "It's nothing, calm down. They just wanted to know where we were on Friday night, and what were our relationships with Hannah..."

"They think we did it." Ashley continues.

"They think you did what?" My dad looks my sister weirdly.

"Hurt Hannah." Ashley seems sad suddenly. "They think Amber and I did it because we were having a girl night on Friday, but I swear she went home safely..."

"She is right, I was with Jason and the guys, I've sent a text message to Hannah at 5 am, and she responded, so the girls have nothing to do with it." I explain.

"We believe you, girls." Mom says calmly. "I'll call Tracy to have an explanation, don't worry."

"It's not worthy, mom..." I try to stop her.

"It is, Blake." My sister says. "I know, you have a crush on the fed's daughter, but this is not legal. They can't come here and treat us like suspects."

"As if you know anything about legality..." My dad mutters amusingly making me laugh. "What about you, young lady? The fed's daughter, huh?" He smirks.

"Oh, no, not you, dad." I roll my eyes.

"She is pretty." Ashley smirks. "And, she is in love with Blake already."

"That's my daughter, one hour, that's all it takes, you know it." My dad points at me proudly.

"Michael..." My mom warns and he apologizes while laughing. "Be careful, she might be sent by her father to find evidence. Don't trust her easily."

"I know, mom." I look at the ground. "Thanks for this piece of advice..."

"I'm sorry, baby." She comes to hug me. "I hope she will be good to you. No one can hurt my babies, understand?"

"We know." Ashley and I say at the same time.

"We love you." Dad says with a smile. "Be there at 7, dinner will be ready."

We go upstairs and stay together in the playroom we have. Ashley is on her phone, talking to Sam and I think about this day. First, Hannah, then, Victoria but also Isaac, my mom and Hannah's family...

"It gets to your head..." My sister says calmly.

"I wonder where Hannah can be." I explain. "She wasn't that bad, was she? Why would someone hurt her?"

"If I were Benjamin, I would have a great motive to kill her." Ashley shrugs.

"To kill her? Really, Ash?" I look surprised.

"She was a bitch, Blake." Ashley seriously answers. "With you, she was always trying to seduce, to earn a smile, a laugh... But what she did to Benjamin is awful, and men don't react like women. Erin, Lauren, even Katie didn't do a thing, but, maybe, Benjamin would have."

"I hope not..." I sadly end the talk.

The evening goes on smoothly as Victoria sends me a text message, and Jason calls me to talk about this entire situation. He tells me Zach was a bit weird today but couldn't find out why. Maybe, it is because the feds are in town, and no one loves the feds. Mainly the Jones family. Since they work at the bank, they have contact with some really big names in the industry and people say they are as evil as the Diaz family.

Anyway, I hope they will find Hannah quickly so the town will find its peace back. This is the last thought that crosses my mind before I fall asleep.

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