Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 : Let the pros do their job

All day long, I have thought about what Cody told us. And the same memory keeps coming my way. At 6 am on the Saturday morning Hannah died, I saw someone. A man or a boy walking to the Thompson House, I can't clearly remember who it was, but it could definitely have been Christopher. Or even Benjamin.

In fact, maybe the feds were right. Maybe, it's a stupid student thing. Maybe Hannah have been too far, once again. Maybe, she slept with Christopher just to break his heart, or maybe, Benjamin was finally over her and she wouldn't let him do that, they fought, and she died... Maybe... Maybe, I should let the pros do their job, and stop trying to find out what happened to Hannah...

After thinking all night long, I decide to walk to the City Hall, I go upstairs and find myself in front of the Agent Martinez's door. I knock softly hoping not to wake up everyone. After two minutes, John Martinez opens the door.

"Blake?" He seems surprised. "It's 5 am, what are you doing here? If you need to see Victoria, it can wait until 8 am, don't you think?"

"I didn't come to see her, I want to talk with you, Agent Martinez..."

The man understands it's about the Hannah case and he lets me in. He carefully walks to his bedroom, gets dressed and comes back with his notebook.

"What is it about, Blake?" He sits in front of me.

"I... There is something I didn't tell you..." I start. "The night before Hannah died... I couldn't sleep because I was alone in my house... and at 6 am, I saw something."

"Alright..." John Martinez takes notes. "What was it?"

"This is why I haven't told you sooner..." I sigh. "I'm not sure. It was very unclear..."

"Until?" He looks at me expectantly.

"Until yesterday, when I heard about Christopher fighting with Hannah..."

"Do you think it could have been Christopher?"

"I'm almost sure, the man was too tall to be Benjamin..." I state.

"So, you think Christopher could have been at the Thompson House on Saturday morning?" His mind seems to work faster than mine now.


"Do you think the fight he had with Hannah could have started at this moment?"

"Maybe, you know Hannah knew how to be harsh on people, maybe Christopher wasn't happy about their meeting, maybe she broke his heart..." I confess.

"Christopher Clint was in love with Hannah Thompson?" The Agent Martinez stops writing to look at me.

"You didn't know about that?" I frown. "Isaac and Christopher can't stand each other because of that... Isaac was sleeping with Hannah, and Hannah was making sure Christopher and Benjamin was always here in case Isaac chose Katie..."

"Interesting..." He looks at me. "Anything else?"

"I don't think so..."

"See, Blake, when we work together, we can solve problems, when you decide to lie to me, only bad thing happen..." He states.

"She told you, right?" I refer to Victoria and our numerous fights.

"He is my father, my everything..." Victoria suddenly says walking shyly to the room. "Of course, I told him, heartbreaker." She chuckles.

"Don't call me that... please." I beg softly.

"I'll let you girls talk." The man smiles to me. "Good end of night, Blake. And, thank you for, finally, trusting me."

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