Scars (Part 1)

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Jiro's POV:

As soon as the Gie grabbed her stuff I rushed her to the nearest restroom and told Momo to meet us there.

"Hey Gie, it's okay.  Look at me and breathe,"  I said trying to calm her down from her anxiety while looking through my bag.

"O-okay.  Here,"  She said handing me her bag,  "I should h-have concealer."

"Hey,  just breathe.  Okay?  I got it,"  I said looking through her bag.

After I found her concealer I unscrewed the top when Momo walked in.

Momo's POV:

Kyoka told me to meet her and Yangie at the nearest girls restroom.  I wasn't sure why she wanted me to but, I did as I was told anyway.  When I got there I could here heavy breathing coming from the other side of the door.  I don't know what I was thinking but, the next thing I heard Kyoka talking.

"Hey,  just breathe. Okay? I got it."  The next thing I knew I walked in to find Yangie against the wall with Kyoka looking through Yangie's bag.

"What's going on here?"  I said while Kyoka unscrewed the top off a container.

"Oh, uh hey Momo,"  Kyoka said while Yangie ran into one of the stalls,  "Gie!  Wait!"

"I-i'm not c-coming out."

"You better get out here.  Unless you want to explain to the others why you have that scar,"  She said while banging on the door to the stall.

"Kyo, what are you talking about?"


"Gie, I have to tell her.  She's not going to leave until she knows whats going on."

"F-fine.  I'll tell her after we're done."

"Okay.  Now come out."

Cheated? -Momo X Jiro (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now