Her Past (Part 3)

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Momo's POV:

As Kyoka pulled her shirt off I couldn't help but blush as I looked the other way.  Once she pulled her shirt off I turned to look at her, I could see her with a slite smirk.

"Kyoka a-are there any other reasons why you did this to yourself."

She nodded as she hung her head in shame.  I grabbed her arm pulling her close wrapping her into a hug.

"Gah!" She whined at the pain.  I hadn't noticed the fact that I had touched one of her scars.  I quickly let go of her once I had realized.

"I'm sorry Kyoka."

"Mmm, I-it's okay Momo.  It's n-not your fault."  She said still in pain from the contact.

"How about we clean these up?"

"A-alright."  She said following me to the bathroom.

"Kyo?  Can you tell me the reasons why you did this?"  I said as I created a roll of bandages.  She didn't answer.  "Kyo, please.  I want to help you but, I can't do that without knowing why.  So can you please tell me?"

Jiro's POV:

"*sighs* alright.  When I was younger my parents would fight..., sometimes they would fight about me, I didn't know what was going on at the time until I got older.  By the time middle school started, I had already started cutting myself."  I could already feel the tears rolling down my face.  "Denki..., he didn't find out about it until he caught me one day during lunch.  When he caught me he..., he pinned me to the wall trying to get the scissors away from me.  After that, he took me to the nurse to make sure I was okay."  I began to cry harder.  "Ever since then, he's been trying to help me get over it.  Now I bearly do it anymore.  The ones your cleaning now, are at least two weeks old.  But, they take time to heal."

"Kyoka, it's alright.  Now, this might sting a little okay."

"Mhm. Gah! Momo..., Ah!"

"I'm sorry Kyoka."

"Mm!  I-it's fine- Ah!  I-it just- Gah!  Hurts. Fuck!"

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