An old friend (Part 3)

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K. Takashi's POV:

It's lunch and I'm looking for Yangie, my younger sister.  I didn't think it would be this hard to find someone that looks just like me but, boy was I wrong.  I finally found her sitting at a table by herself.  It took me a while but, I finally found her.  As I started to head over to I saw two girls heading towards her table; a tall, raven-haired girl and a shorter, violet-haired girl.

"Hey, the name's Jiro.  Kyoka Jiro."

"Hey, hey, little sis.  Already made some new friends?"

"Hi, Kaito.  And no.  I wouldn't say they're my friends yet."

"Mhm, okay.  Sorry for not introducing myself.  The name's Takashi, Kaito but please call me Kaito,"  I said bowing as I kissed the taller girl's hand getting a glare from the shorter one.  "And who might you two be?"

"Kaito!"  Yangie said hitting me in the side causing me to fall in my chair.  "Stop flirting!  For crying out loud act like your 17 and not 14!  Besides their first years."

"Got it.  But, did you have to hit me so hard?"

Jiro's POV:

It took me a while to realize why Yangie's name sounded so familiar.  I didn't know who she was until I met her older brother; Kaito.  They were the Takashi siblings.  Denk's and I would hang with them all day, every day when we were in middle school.  Kaito, he's the one that got me into cars.  And Yangie, she was like a sister to me.  I used to call Kaito by his nickname; Kai.  And Yangie's nickname was Gie.  We were all in a band back in middle school.  Gie was lead guitarist, Kai was both backup vocal and guitar.  Denki was on drums and I was the lead singer and the bassist.

Momo's POV:

"Tch, Jiro.  Kyoka Jiro,"  Kyoka said a little annoyed by Yangie's older brother.  "So Kai why did you and Gie move here?"

'Kai? Gie? Really? Why does she have to be rude now?'

"Wait, Kyo?"  The siblings said in unison.

"Yep.  What's up, guys?"

I was beyond bewildered.  They went to Shiketsu which is in the east.  UA is in the west.  How do they know each other?

"Kyoka, mind filling me in here?"

"Sure.  The three of us used to be in middle school together."

"Don't forget the band!"  Kaito said with excitement.

"How can I forget?!"

"Hey is Denk's here too?"

"Yeah.  He's with the Bakusquad,"  Kyoka said.  I hadn't seen this excited since the last time we went to a Deep Dope concert.  "Oh and one more thing Kai.  Before you go around kissing girls' hands make sure it's not in front of their girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?!"  They said in unison once again.

"How the fuck do you get a girl before me?!"  

"Simple.  I'm not a flirt."

"Ouch.  She got you good Kai."  Yangie said giggling.

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