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A/N:  Okay, so I know I was MIA for a while, a lot.  And I'm kinda sorry for that, but this'll probably be the last chapter.  But I'm so glad that I was able to write this before I went on to my next book (that's still just starting, FYI, if you want to check that out).  And if any of you are wondering about the Face reveal I did at the beginning I'll be adding a new one later since a lot has changed since then.

Momo's POV:


"Tsu, can you please let Shoto in?"

"Momo, they're gonna st- Woah, you look amazing," Shoto said as he stepped in and saw me.

Jiro's POV:

"I-I can't do this, Kat!  What if she doesn't want to get married, o-or she does just not to me!"

"Kyo, everything's gonna be great!"

"Calm down, Kyoka, Yangie's right.  Ponytail wouldn't run out on ya' now." 

"You don't know that!  What-what if she lea-"

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Katsuki, it's your husband," Gie said and she opened the door for Kiri, who was holding a crying child, "Aw, c'mere little one."

"Hey Ei, will you tell her that she'll be- HEY WATCH HIS HEAD, WOLF EARS!"

"Would you calm down?  Do I have to remind you that my wife is pregnant, jeez?  Your papa sure does scream a lot, doesn't he?"


*16 yrs. later*(A/N: Sorry kinda lazy to do the whole wedding thing)

??? POV:

"Hey, mom!"

"I'm in the kitchen!" 

"Mom, mama's water broke!"

"What?!  Shit, 'kay you know the drill.  Call your uncle," Mom yelled as she ran upstairs.

"Which one?!"

'Goddamn it! 'Call your uncle', she says.  Well which fucking uncle?!?'


*13 hrs. later*

Momo's POV:

"Welcome to the world rockstars," Kyoka said as she held one of our new children, "Hey, Momo?"

"Yeah, Kyo?"

"You're amazing, you know that right?"

"You tell me every day, and every day I love you even more, than the day I met you.  Happy birthday Shoka and Kyoto."

"Kyoto?  M-momo, you're gonna make me cry, love you."

"I love you too, Kyoka Jiro."

A/N: 'Kay so -don't @ me- I'm not a big fan of Taylor Swift -again, don't @ me- but someone DMed me and asked for the song, so yeah

Cheated? -Momo X Jiro (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now