Chapter Forty-Five

Start from the beginning

Aang smiled, "All right, you guys. I want this to be a good, clean swordbending match!"

Zuko grinned, "There's no such thing."

"So you think you're hot stuff, huh?" Sokka smirked. 

"That was a terrible pun," I called out.

"I hate you!"

"Thanks," I grinned.

Katara held up a poster of the watertribe symbol, "Go, Water Tribe!"

"When did you have time to make," I started to say, but I shook my head, "Nevermind."

"Lemme show you how we do things down south!" Sokka exclaimed.

"Sokka," I called out, "You learned sword fighting from a Fire Nation man. What do you mean, down south?"

Sokka looked hurt.

Zuko and I laughed. 

Sokka swung at Zuko, who sidestepped it easily. He swung at Sokka who barely managed to deflect it, causing uncertainty in his stance. Sokka fell backward and hit the dirt. 

Zuko grinned, "Like I said, don't get your hopes up."

"Zuko, you didn't have to end him that quickly," I laughed.

Zuko looked back at me, smiling, "You're telling me when you joined this team, you didn't show off in a training match of some kind? Shocking."

"Actually," Toph said, "She did."

"Toph!" I whipped my head to her, "Seriously?"

She shrugged, "Hey, I'm just telling the truth."

Sokka got up and pointed his sword at Zuko, "Rematch. Now."

Needless to say, Sokka lost countless more times.

"This is ridiculous. I'm obviously better than you. Why don't you just give up?" Zuko asked. 

"This from the guy who unsuccessfully hunted Aang for years?" Sokka said.

I laughed, "Ooh... he got you there Zuko!"

"It's completely different!" Zuko exclaimed.

"Fine," Sokka said. He pointed his sword at me, "You. Swordbend."

I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

"Please?" Sokka asked.

Zuko handed me one of his swords, "Come on, (Y/N), I haven't seen you use a sword in a while."

"I'm not good at sword fighting!" I exclaimed. 

"Really?" Zuko asked, "What about that one time...?"

"So," I said grabbing a decorative sword from off the wall, "How's this?" I disarmed Zuko with the sword.

"(Y/N)! How did you catch on so quickly?" He knelt down and picked up his swords.

I wouldn't say quickly. I had been learning sword fighting in secret for months so I could show him. He didn't need to know that.

"Fine!" I grabbed Zuko's sword and pointed it at Sokka, "Try me."

Katara cheered, "Yeah, (Y/N)!"

"What?" Sokka yelled, "You're my sister!"

"I'm also (Y/N)'s cousin," Katara shrugged.

"Also, (Y/N)'s better than you," Toph added.

I stifled a laugh.

Sokka rolled his eyes, "I've never seen (Y/N) touch a sword! I can take her!"

Sokka lunged at me with his sword. He swiped it at full force. I ducked out of the way. Due to the power in his swing, he started to lose balance. Since I was ducking, I stuck out a leg, and Sokka tripped over it. I held my sword to his face, "You were saying?"

Zuko laughed, "I told you, Sokka."

I stretched and threw the sword on the floor, "That was fun, but I'm out."

I started walking to my room. I laid down on my bed and started to close my eyes when my door opened. 


I groaned, "What, Zuko?"

"How did you know it was me, you didn't look in this direction?"

"You think I can't recognize your voice by now?"

"Fair enough," Zuko said.

I got up and walked to him, "So what do you want?"

"I don't know," he said.

"Then, why'd you come here?"

"I don't know," he ran his hands through his hair, "to talk? I miss you."

His hair had grown quite a bit. Before, it stuck on his head in spikes, but now it was a little messier and fell down smoother. He looked slightly older too, more mature.

It's also clear that he worked out while he was at the palace. He was wearing sweatpants and a fitted t-shirt. I could see the outline of his body through the shirt.

I flicked my eyes back up to his. His eyes were soft, yet piercing. Looking into his golden eyes made my heart beat faster. 

"(Y/N)?" Zuko asked, "Are you going to say anything?"

He was the only one who made me feel this way.

I looked at him and thought for a minute.

I needed him. 

"This doesn't mean anything," I said. 

"What? What do you-"

I cut him off, pressing my lips onto his. He was shocked but he melted into the kiss himself. 

"This means nothing," I said in between kisses.

Zuko slammed me against the wall of my bedroom, "Noted," he closed the distance between us again.


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