Chapter 7 - "Living with the enemy..."

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Nandini is behaving like a lunatic and continuously mumbling,

"I can't remember name...what is my name?... Ahhhh..."

She tries to untie the bandage on her head and pulls out her drip needle. She tries to get down from the bed when Manik steps forward and grabs her with the shoulder. But she still struggles to free herself...her wound is again oozing out fresh blood. Having no other option, Manik picks her up in a bridal position and places her again on the bed but Nandini is still fluttering like a caged bird. Manik pins her down on the bed with full force, brings his face near to her and looks through her eyes.

"You are fiancée...we are going to be married next month."

Manik's words sound like a bomb blast in the room. The doctor and Ayan are looking at each other totally perplexed. Nandini stops struggling and looks at Manik with sheer astonishment while Manik is still continuing,

"We went for a long drive and on the way, I lost my control of the car. It hit a tree and you had a head injury."

Nandini's eyes automatically shift to Manik's body. Her curious eyes are trying to find out any wound or scratches. Manik can read her eyes and immediately prepares an answer.

"It is a miracle Nandita that I didn't have a single scratch on my body. Maybe because my seatbelt was fastened and yours was not."

It is quite a reasonable explanation. Till now Nandini has become a bit stable. Observing this Manik slowly withdraws himself and looks at the doctor. He gestures with his eyes to give her a sedative as she needs rest after this mental restlessness. The doctor again fixes the drip in her vein. This time Nandini doesn't resist. Perhaps she is still trying to sink into Manik's abrupt revelation. The doctor injects the sedative into the drip bottle and after a few minutes, Nandini slowly closes her eyes.


Manik, Ayan and the doctor are sitting in the living room downstairs.

"Doctor, I couldn't think of any other excuse to calm her down. If I would have said that she might have been thrown out from any car and we saw her lying on the road then she would have had thousands of questions. According to you she is suffering from temporary amnesia and can't recollect her name and other things how could she take this bitter truth. It would have been more stressful for her to remember her name and past. Now at least she has a name and identity. Gradually when she will be more healed and able to recall her past I will tell her everything. But now this is the best solution."

Manik's logic is irrefutable. Ayan and the doctor nod in approval.

"Mr Manik, maybe you are right. She is recovering and in this stage, any kind of shock could be dangerous for her. We have to wait for her full recovery. Until then let her be in this illusion..."

The doctor sighs and continues.

"By the way, right now I don't think there is any need for immediate medical help for her. She will sleep until the evening which is necessary for her. I will come at night to check her again."

The doctor gets up to leave when Manik again says,

"Ummmm, Dr..actually I am thinking to take her home and handing over the case to my family doctor. You know...this place is remote and doesn't have any facilities...I think you can understand."

The doctor thinks for a while and nods with a smile.

"You are a very kind-hearted person. She is lucky."

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