Chapter 35 -"Conviction and denial..."

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"Right now, I am feeling like surrounded by demolished emotions caused by a deranged storm which has turned everything ups and downs. When the storm obliterates everything, we don't know how to deal with it but when it stops that silence and void are more intolerable. That reticence doesn't calm us from inside, rather it increases the helplessness and pain. I am sitting on the bed like a bleak, forlorn soul. My life, my Angel has left me, expectedly. The hope of my life, the only ray of light in my existence is no more in her Brute's world. It is the bitter reality and it is wonted because, I can't put her in a cage and expect her to sing for me, about me. She was my obstinance but now she is my love. Obstinance can cage its desire but love can't. Manik Malhotra, you are are defeated by that emotion which you never believed in...Love. You had to let your love go to let it be alive. My logical mind and wrenching heart whisper in my ears. Suddenly I feel something salty in the corner of my lips. I touch it to see. My fingertip has a faded stain of blood and tears. Her blood and my tears...perfect combination of a broken heart. A sneer creeps on my lips. Life is mocking me. When I didn't believe in love my love was with me and when I start believing in love, it has voided me. My eyes fall on the cages of the bunnies...nibbling and frisking in their cage...Snowy and Moose, Nandini's one of the loved ones. Are they missing her like I am? No, I am not only missing her...I am dying from inside without her. I saunter at the cage and open the door. The bunnies curl themselves as they are not willing to leave their cage, their home. I wish it happened with my love. It would have never left its cage, its heart. I let her go because if I hadn't, I would have killed my mother's memories too. Nandini rightly said I am an animal. I killed her all emotions towards me but I couldn't kill my mother's dream. She will always be my Angel, my mother's desired bride for me. To let her live I had to let her free. Free from this Brute's world. Maybe I will always be her true meaning, who destroyed her love with his love."

Manik clenches his jaws. He has already taken the first step of his plan. Now, he has more things to do. Time is short and decisions are difficult. But he will have to do it. For his love...for his penance. Manik taps Ayan's number and mouths in a determined voice,

"Ayan, come to my house. Get all the property papers.'s urgent."


"Ms Murthy, you have to tell us all in detail. Otherwise, we won't be able to make a strong charge sheet against Manik Malhotra. As you know he is a big fish."

The SP addresses Nandini who is now sitting on a chair like an emotionally drained out person. Jaya has changed her clothes and wiped some parts of her body. Still, the bruises, bite marks and scratches are visible on her skin. When she gained her sense and couldn't grok where she is, she started panicking. She was hallucinating Manik's face everywhere. After that, Venkatesh called the doctor and he gave her some tranquillizer. Meanwhile, the SP has come with a lady inspector. As Venkatesh informed him about Nandini's health and mental condition the SP thought it would be wise to interrogate Nandini in her house. Hearing SP's question Nandini looks at him and bends her head. The SP beckons the lady inspector to get her inside and ask the relevant questions. Lady Inspector Karuna Deshpande holds Nandini carefully and leads to a room. The SP turns at Venkatesh and says in a grave tone,

"It's very important that Nandini opens up. She needs a medical examination too. We have to be sure if she has been raped or not. The bruises and the cut marks on her lips are indicating to some physical violence. If it is so, then Malhotra is gone."

Everybody hears a suppressed sob of Jaya. She gulps her cry and utters hostilely,

"Don't leave that rascal, Sir. He has ruined my daughter's life. My ever-smiling girl looks like a lifeless puppet now. Can you see the void and pain in her eyes? I want that devil to be behind the bar as soon as possible. Only then my daughter will get the justice."

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