Chapter 52 - "Truth and swear..."

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"Nandini...Nandini...from a distance, I am listening to his voice. Panicked and perturbed. I am trying to open my eyes but they are too heavy. Someone is caressing my cheeks, my forehead. I know this touch but I can't hold that hand. Suddenly some flashes cloud my mind. A man is aiming his gun at Manik. He is laughing insanely. Manik is retrieving towards the abyss. I am trying to scream. I am trying to alert him about the sure death. He is slowly approaching the edge of the cliff. Now, only one step back and he will disappear into nothingness. All of a sudden, the guy runs towards Manik and pushes him to the abyss. A sky-shattering scream escapes my throat...MA...NI...KKKK.... And I sit with a jerk."

"Relax, relax, Nandini...I am here...nothing just come down."

Manik fondles her back and tries to pacify her fear. Nandini looks here and there, trying to sink into the situation. It was a nightmare..was it a nightmare? She thinks and fixes her timid eyes on Manik.

"Manik...that are okay...right?...What happened to that goon?...I pu.."

Manik immediately stops her blabbering.

"He ran away. The police came and he disappeared in the jungle."

He tries to convince her. Only then, Nandini observes that they are not alone in the place. SP Bhosle, Ayan and two other police officers are encircling them with eager faces. SP Bhosle comes forward and squats down to maintain the height with Nandini who is now sitting on the ground reclining her upper torso on Manik.

"What happened, Mrs Malhotra? How will you come here? Do you know how much it could have been dangerous?"

He sounds vexed. In reply, Nandini keeps her wide eyes on his face. Manik immediately intervenes,

"If she hadn't been here then the man would have killed me."

"Because you gave him the chance. May I know why did you abruptly leave your bungalow? Didn't I request you to not do so?"

SP Bhosle mouths with exasperation. Manik arrogantly replies,

"I was upset and now don't ask me why. It's my personal matter."

SP Bhosle parts his lips to counter when Ayan interrupts,

"I think we should go back to the bungalow. It's not safe here."

"It's not safe anywhere until your Sir follows our instruction. So, it's better to return to Mumbai. At least he won't find any jungle over there to roam around."

Bhosle sounds irritated. Amidst this seriousness, Nandini feels amused to see Manik's expression. However, suddenly something passes her mind. Now, she can clearly recollect that she only pushed the goon into the abyss. Then why did Manik tell a lie? She looks at Manik again and mumbles,

"Manik...that goon...I..."

In reply, Manik utters in obstinance,

"It's over. He left. Now let's go to our house."


Two days passed. Manik and Nandini have returned to Mumbai. In between Nandini has tried several times to talk to Manik about that incident. She knows that she killed a person and according to her, it's necessary to inform the police about it. However, every time he avoids the topic. Fortunately, Manik is quite better now. His bandages have been removed, however, doctors still instructed him to rest. In the last two days, Nandini went to meet her parents and unexpectedly Jaya tried to convince her to reconcile with Manik. Nandini doesn't know what triggered her to forgive him but it seems that she is only thinking about her daughter's future. Manvi is happy that she doesn't have to leave her job for Nandini. Rishav was as usual excited to have Nandini with him. He has a child's brain and fortunately, children are devoid of complexity. However, the thing that surprised Nandini the most is her Appa's approach. Although he never tried to impose his decision on her he was never in the favour of this reconcilement. He came to know that Manik indirectly helped him by owning the press where he works. If he had been her old father, Venkatesh perhaps would have resigned but on the contrary, he only uttered,

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