Chapter 38 - "Dicey sitch..."

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"After a long 7-10 days desisting, I finally step out of my home. It is evening and it always appears depressing to me. Still, I keep aside my preference and follow my Appa's instructions. He wants me to be strong, so, I have to be strong. For him, for my family. As I come to the park with Appa and Rishu I could feel some penetrating eyes on me. I know they are judging me by my character, by my intention and of course by my uncertain future. I gulp the uneasiness and ask Appa if I sit on a bench. Appa agrees. However, Rishav starts nagging for playing and Appa has to accompany him. I know he is in dilemma to leave me all alone. But I nod in a confident way and he smiles with relief. I occupy a side of the bench and start gazing at the children playing and running all over the park like butterflies. Unknowingly a satisfying smile comes on my lips. However, it doesn't last long. Suddenly some catcalls invade my ears."

"How shameless people! After so much drama, they have the guts to roam around so casually."...... "They have now plenty of money in their bank account...whom do they care for? Money can wash every dirt."... "Tell me one thing, after this scandal who will be ready to marry this girl? She even puts her sister's future in uncertainty."

All the jeers make Nandini's every muscle tensed. She closes her eyes and prays to pass this time as soon as possible. Suddenly someone unknown calls her name. She startles and turns to her left side. A man is sitting just beside her.

"Ms Nandini Murthy. This letter is for you."

He forwards a folded paper and before Nandini can react or ask anything he disperses like a storm. Nandini looks here and there and carefully unfolds the paper. It seems like a letter but very short and to the point.

Madam Nandini,

Please meet me tomorrow at CCD, opposite the Macaw Movie hall. It's a request. Someone's life is dependent on it. I will be waiting for you at 2 pm. Please...Please I beg of you.

Until tomorrow it's an unknown requestor.

Nandini skirts her eyes all over the letter a couple of times. A 'V' forms between her brows.

"Life depends on it. Who?"

She mumbles while gazing at a far distance, adrift in her thought. Suddenly a voice breaks her reverie.

"Nandu, Rishav wants to have ice cream. Let's go. Even I want to have. Thankfully your Amma is not around. Otherwise, I couldn't even utter the word. Ha...ha.."

Nandini knows her father is trying his best to normalise all things. These evening walk, ice cream, casual talks are all part of it. But Nandini even knows these all efforts can't less her pain. Manik snatched a precious part of her heart. She doesn't even know if time can replace it. Nandini looks at her father and reciprocates with equal zeal. At least she can try to not show that vacant part of her heart to her beloved ones.

"Yes, Appa. I also want to have. My favourite mango flavour. Let's go..."

She gets up enthusiastically. Before that, she doesn't forget to hide the letter between her fist. Somehow, she doesn't want to disclose it to her father right now. Venkatesh smilingly approaches the ice-cream vendor holding both of his children's hands. He wishes the last 4 months had never come in their life and they would have remained the same. The Sun sets on the horizon surrendering his crown to the Moon.


SP Bhosle is sitting in his living room. It's almost 12 am. His wife and 7 years daughter have already gone to sleep. However, he doesn't feel like sleeping. Manik Malhotra's case is continuously running through his mind. Somehow, he is not being able to understand this man. Sometimes he seems like an evil monster and sometimes he behaves like a puppy lover. What he did today with the lawyer Rajiv Ahuja is totally unpredictable. This man is deliberately shutting all the doors which can lead to his freedom. It seems like he doesn't want to free himself. Why? Any bigger plan? Insanity? Remorse? Or love? Once he kidnapped Nandini Murthy. He planned so much to keep her with him then why suddenly he freed her? As per his knowledge, Manik Malhotra is a person who always tries his level best to fulfil his plan. If Nandini ran away from his captivity then why didn't he try to get her hook or by crook? That is his actual instinct. Why this defeating attitude? SP Bhosle puffs some rings of smoke. Suddenly, his mobile rings. He lifts it up from the centre table. An unknown number is flashing.

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