Chapter 37 - "His obstinance, her determination..."

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"Right now, I am lying on the narrow platform covered with a rough blanket in the small lock-up. I am fortunate that SP Bhosle didn't transfer me to a cell where the other criminals are packed up like cattle. It's not like I have any problem coping with the place. No, in fact, I am ready to face any adverse situation. Frankly speaking, it is giving me a soothing feeling. But I am thankful to Bhosle that he put me in a separate cell. Here I can ruminate over my Angel. Nandini...what must be she is doing now? Is she remembering me? Her Brute! Is she recalling our happy moments or our last encounter? Is she looking the same divine even after being broken by me? Nandini, you are my life and you are my death. But I want to cherish every bit of it. If I can kill for you then I can die for you either. I close my eyes to visualise her seraphic face. I hurt you so much. So, I want to hurt myself. That will give me my desired peace. Suddenly, the metal gate of the cell squeaks and someone enters. I open my eyes and look at them."

"Mr Malhotra, he is your lawyer, Mr Rajiv Ahuja. He wants to talk to you."

The SP introduces a man to Manik and further says in an authoritative tone,

"Make it first, Mr Ahuja. We have to produce him in front of the Magistrate. Do you formalities."

Saying this he exits the cell but not before locking it from outside. Manik reluctantly gets up. He didn't say anyone for hiring a lawyer for him. It must be Ayan's decision. This boy is adamant to take him out of these bars. Rajiv Ahuja sits on a chair, facing Manik. A file is there in his hands. He keeps it on his thigh and starts to unrope it.

"Mr Malhotra, Ayan Agnihotri has appointed me as your lawyer. But before I take this responsibility, I need your signature on these papers. So, that I can produce them for your bail application. Here it is.."

Rajiv Ahuja forwards the file to Manik. Manik takes a glance but doesn't show any urgency to sign it.

"What if I don't want a bail?"

He utters coldly which furrows Ahuja's forehead. He confusedly asks,

"You don't want a bail...why? Mr Malhotra, I know you have surrendered by yourself and that already has made this case a bit weaker. Still, I am trying to make it a conspiracy against you. Please cooperate. We can win it."

Manik's eyes flicker for a second. With a grave tone, he asks,

"Conspiracy! Care to explain, Mr Ahuja."

Rajiv Ahuja budges on the chair and clears his throat to explain.

"Well, I will try to arrange the case in this way that Nandini Murthy targeted you as her next prey when she first saw you in the school. You are a wealthy and powerful man and she is a gold digger. She wanted your money as she is a very ambitious and careerist girl. Due to her family's financial condition, she couldn't fulfil her dreams on her own. So, when you showed interest in her, she thought to encash this opportunity and started befriending you. Gradually, she succeeded to win your trust and heart and you got married to her. However, that was not her main motive. She wanted your money and for that, she was constantly creating pressure on you to transfer a huge amount in her individual bank account. Initially, you did and apart from that, you also bought the sinking press where Nandini Murthy's father works. You secretly increased his salary and promoted him to a higher position. Although these all things were happening under Nandini's influence on you, her ultimate goal was a bit far. One day she asked you to transfer all your property to her name. Initially, you were in dilemma but eventually, you fell into her trap and transferred all your possessions to her. Here she showed her true colour. When she got everything from you that she actually wanted, she told you that she wants a divorce. You denied and she played her trump card. She hurt herself and put marital rape and domestic violence allegations on you. Her family knew everything and they supported her in this plan."

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