Chapter 25

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~Lilith's POV~

The warm water of the showers falls upon my skin. I take a bit of soap and start rubbing it over my body. I watch the dirt and blood from the past two days goes through the drain. I close my eyes and start washing my hair.

Once I finally feel clean, I get out of the shower. I grab a towel and start drying myself. I notice a small pile of my clothes sitting in the corner of the bathroom. I smile remembering Lily told me she saved all my belongings.

I walk toward the pile and start dressing myself. When I'm done, I walk to the mirror. I start brushing my short hair.

I look like shit, but the shit is clean

I sigh and slowly open the door. I can make out Lily's figure on the bed. I hear her softly snore.

Must have been rough night for her

I walk to the window to close the curtain. I look outside and start to wonder. In the distance I hear the clock strike. Three in the morning. I close the curtain and turn around to watch Lily.

My eyes wander the room and fall on my backpack. I make my way over to the backpack and go through my belongings. Everything I own is still in the bag.

I grab the black cloak form my backpack and put it on. I then sling my bow and my backpack over my shoulders. I grab the doorknob. I slowly turn it and look back.

Lily is still peacefully sleeping.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

I open the door and exit the room. There are some things I have to take care of.



A sickening stench fills my nose. However often I smell it, it still bothers me. I manoeuvre through the stretchers to the newly placed ones. I lift the sheet, the stench increases. I recognize the face as one of the men who works for King Jeremy. I move to the next stretcher and repeat the process.

When I'm finished, I counted nine dead bodies. I shudder, this means nine of the ten men form King Jeremey are killed, including Xavier and Rob. I know exactly who is still free.

Brad the Bastard

I scuffle and exit the room. I walk through the place's garden. The place's gate comes in view and I slow down my pace. I really want to leave this place, but knowing Brad is still out there stops me from leaving.

I look up to the tower where the Prince is located. It's high and I know there are four Guards with the Prince.

For tonight he'll be fine

Brad probably knows this as well, which means he will come into action when the Prince moves back to his original chamber. And that is in the morning.

I not sure whether I will warn the Prince now or I will do some personal business first.

Three hours and 45 minutes. So, three hours for my personal business.

Determined to do my own business first I grab a horse from the stables. I mount the horse and we run past the guards by the gate.

I hope this horse is up for a long ride




In no time I arrive at Hefh, my home town. I ride past the butcher; memories evade my mind. I continue my journey. There is one person I need to see.

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