Chapter 18

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~Lilith's POV~

I feel my head pounding and I groan. I slowly open my eyes and see a face leaning over me.

"You're alive!" Codey yells.

"Jesus, Codey calm down. You are giving me a headache." I groan. "I think you just made me deaf." I say as I feel my ears ringing. I look down at my body and see that I am wearing different clothes.

"Your stiches in your leg are removed. Your side is stitched up and they wrapped a fresh bandage around your chest." Codey explains as he sees the confusion on my face. I take in my surroundings and notice I am still in the dungeon. But they left a matrass on the ground.

"You've been out for a day." Codey continues. "You had some visitors as well. Two guys named Dylan and Isaac, and a girl named Lily. The two dudes were speechless when they found out you're a girl. The Dylan dude started muttering things about being beaten by a girl. Isaac, on the other hand, started laughing and saying you two needed to hang out more. The girl crying when she saw you lying on the matrass and started screaming about how you were trying to save the Prince." He states at me. "He came as well, with his father."

"Who came with his father?" I asks trying to process as much information as I can.

"The Prince and King. Apparently, you are banned from the palace." He answers. "The King was talking about execution due to you violating the banishment and for falsifying your identity."

"As expected." I sigh.

"So, you're Lilith Roqburn." Codey states.

"Yes, I am." I reply.

"Was the story true?" Codey asks. I know he meant the story about me providing for my family.

"Partly, my parents did die. The sister in the story is... was my best friend Ophelia. She was like a sister to me." I take a deep breath before continuing. "When both our parents died, we were barely thirteen. We couldn't get a job due to our age, but a man Geronimo offered me a job. He didn't need the help, but he was kind enough to help us out. I helped him taking care of the horses at his stable. Over the years he became a father figure to both Ophelia and me. At the age fifteen Ophelia started working here at the palace. About three weeks ago she was killed because she overheard the plan to assassin the Prince. She wrote me a letter before she died telling me that I need to save the Prince. Some events happened and now I am here with a not so secret identity." I finish the story.

"So, you're saving the Prince?" Codey asks.

"More like seeking revenge for my friend." I reply. Cody walks over to me and hugs me.

"I am so sorry for your loss." He whispers. "But I am not sorry for staying behind to save you. You are a true friend." I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Thank you for understanding." I say as I hug him back.

"I will help you." Codey says as he sits next to me.

"You will?" I ask stunned.

"As much as I can." He inhales deep. "I do not know the name of the main operator. Most of the times I went to the diner 'Gacy's Food' in the city. The man behind the register is in the complot, I would ask f-." Before Codey could tell anything further the door was opened.

"Look what we have here." Brad laughs as he walks in followed by Xavier and Rob, two guards from the King's Royal Guard.

"Codey long time no see." Xavier smirks.

"You could say that." Rob agrees.

Then it dawned on me

These are the three man who tried to kill me, the three traitors who are trying to kill the Prince

"Lilith you're awake." Brad states surprised, but his surprised face turns into a sinister smile. "Just in time for the party." He walks towards Codey and me. He pushes me towards Xavier and Rob.

Xavier and Rob pin me down and Rob uses one hand to hold my head in place.

"Codey, Codey, Codey... what would your wife think if she saw you right now?" Brad says as he grabs a knife. "Would she be disappointed in the work you did? Would she be proud?" He laughs. "You're loyal to the wrong person, Codey." He walks behind Codey. "Your loyalty lies with family and friends. Mine lies where the money is." Xavier and Rob both chuckle.

"You could have been a rich man. Heck, you could've been a duke. King Jermey Huretson could do that." I am surprised and freighted he just told the name of his employer while I am still present.

"Don't act so shocked, Damon or should I say Lilith?" Brad turn his attention to me. "Deep down, you already knew." He laughs. "You know what happens with people who know too much?"

I stay frozen already knowing the answer. Both Rob and Xavier start laughing.

"They end up like your friend, what was her name? Ophelia." He snickers. "Such a pretty young woman, such a shame she was too noisy." He turns around to Codey.

"She could have lived, you know?" He states. "If she just kept her mouth shut, but oh no. she needed to tell you and her lover boy."

He holds his knife to Codey's throat. "We thought we ended both loose ends. We killed lover boy in his sleep, by pushing him of the cliff. We thought we killed you." He retreats his knife. There is a thick tension in the air. Codey and I look at each other, both knowing we will be dying.

"The funny thing is..." Brad looks at me and point his knife towards me. "When you came here, we were oblivious about you true identity. I mean we just figured it out when that Lily girl started yelling your name."

"She will stay alive." Rob tells me when he sees my sad face. "We're not that evil and nobody will believe her. Since she is just a maid."

I feel relieve wash over my face. "But Ophelia told you, and what do they stich you about snitching?" Brad continues.

Both Xavier and Rob inhale. "Snitches get stiches." They say at the same time and Brad plunges his knife in Codey's chest.

"NOOOooo!" I scream and try to avert my eyes from the horrible scene in front of me. Rob however forces my face back.

"Let's go." Brad sates as he wipes of the bloodied knife on the shirt of Codey. Both Xavier and Rob let me go and exit the room.

"We will be back for you, but next time it is because of the King's order." Brad states as he closes the door.

"Lilith... you need to flee and take your revenge." Codey groans.

I run over to him and try to stop his chest from bleeding.

"Tel my... wife and kid... I love them." He lets out a breath. "Please." He closes his eyes.

"No, no. stay awake." I slap his face, but there is no reaction. I use one of my hands to check his pulse, but is gone. He is gone. I start crying.

He sacrificed his life for me. He should have left when he got the chance.

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