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It isn't easy to make a living in Yiturck or for that matter in Hefh. Though Yiturck is a beautiful city, it holds a dark atmosphere and Hefh, the neighbouring town, isn't any better. For generations the Royal family has been attack by the insane malign people.

On the night the new heir of the country Yhirk was born, the palace had been broken in by some of these men. Due to the hectic environment there was no guard with the Queen. And on that night the Queen was murdered.

This leaved the King heartbroken, but he was also determined to let his son live in a safe environment. Furthermore, he only wanted the best men as his Royal guards. So each year all men who are motivated enough and all the Royal guards face different challenges to win a place in the Royal guard.

The Royal guard is one of the best paid jobs, and working for ten years could mean a retirement for some of those men. This is one of the main reasons the position super popular and only the finest and best men are allowed in the Royals guard. Most of these guard are knights, because they train for years and therefore have a big advantage on the other people.

This is where our story takes place.

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