Chapter 14

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~Lilith's POV~

I watch the small group of men making their way through the crowd. I move over to the next roof as I keep eyes on the group. Unfortunately, the next roof is a slippery sloping roof which needs a bit more of my attention to climb. Once I'm on top of the roof I look back to the group. To my surprise the group has stopped moving.

They are dismounting the horse?!

I panic a bit, the city where we're right now is a lurid city. The Prince, faced towards me, starts talking to a man and the Royal Guards are watching over him. I, on the other hand, start watching the just formed crowd.

My gut tells me something doesn't add up. So, I concentrate more on sudden movements. I also start scanning the roofs, but they're luckily empty. When I watch the crowd again, I see a person with a hood making its way towards the prince from behind. I edge closer to the edge. I grab my bow and arrow. As I focus on the man, I draw my bow. The hooded man grabs something shimmery.

I notice the man is holding some type of knife. Because the Prince is blocking my direct line towards the heart of the man, I aim for the shoulder. Then I release the arrow.

The hooded man screams out in pain and I start making my distressed owl noises. Dylan's head pops up to find me.

"It's a trap!" The Prince yells. "Someone aimed for my head!"

The Prince starts looking towards the direction from which the arrow came, in my direction. Fortunately, I wear my own hooded cloak so he can't see my face. My eyes meet Dylan as he nods in my direction and pushes the Prince back to his horse.

"We need to get moving!" Dylan yells as all the Royal Guards mount their horses again.

They start galloping back to the palace. I, however, climb down from the house and run towards the injured man.

The knife of the man lies close and when the man notices me, he tries to grab it.

"Not so fast." I say as I kick the knife away.

"Who are you, Robin Hood?" The man sneers.

I roughly pull him up. "Someone who will enjoy the reward he will get."

I start pushing him towards the palace.

"Now get moving." I sate as I push him again.

The man laughs. "You don't know what trouble you just caused."

"Enlighten me, will ye." I say. "But, don't even think about escaping." I sate as I push my arrow further in his shoulder.

"You fucking bastard!" He screams. "I will kill you."

I laugh. We walk through the small piece of forest, near the palace. "Will ye?" I let push him harder.

The man falls on the ground, but quickly scrambles back to his feet. He smirks.

Please don't run.

He takes off. I draw my bow and aim. I release my arrow and it hit its target. I walk over towards the man crying in pain.

"You prick, you shot me in the arse!" he screams out in pain.

"I did, didn't I." I smirk as I pull him back to his feet. I turn back serious. "Don't test me." I threaten.

"Like I could, can't even walk properly." He tries to gran the arrow, but I slap his hand away.

"Don't ruin the art." I say lowly. "Besides, pulling out arrows can cause more damage."

He looks at his shoulder where he pulled my arrow out and back to the ground were my bloodied arrow lies. I pick my arrow up.

"Yeah, you fucked up." I look at him. "We need to get moving, if you want to be able to use your arm anytime soon."

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