Chapter 2

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~Lilith's POV~

"Which brings me to the kitchen." Ophelia opens a big iron door.

"Looks like a prison." I mumble under my breath.

"Did you say something." Ophelia asks.

I shake my head and sit on a stool next to the counter.

"So... why am I here again?"

"How about a nice meal." Ophelia says trying to change the subject.

"I know you're trying to change the subject and I will let you, because food."

Ophelia laughs and walks around the kitchen grabbing different ingredients, pots and pans.

A couple of people pour in, and they greet each other. Some of them give me weird looks.

"Have you seen Lady Amelia yesterday?" Some maid in the back asks.

"Unfortunately, I was in her service." Ophelia answers.

"Was is that bad?" Some other maid asks.

"Oh Lily, I hope you've got some time because, boy it was horrible. I mean I can handle her snobby attitude, but some things I can never erase from my mind again."

"It can be that bad." Lily says.

"If you like to see Lady Amelia throwing herself at the prince, then the day wouldn't be that bad."

Lily starts to make vomiting noises.

"Please don't tell me she wore that really inappropriate tight dress."

"Oh, you know it." Ophelia laughs. "Here you go."

Ophelia hands me a plate filled with a nice omelette with tomato.

"Thanks." I turn to Lily. "I'm Lilith." And I reach out my hand.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Ophelia talks a lot about you." She says while shaking my hand.

"Oh no, that can't be good." I state.

Lily an Ophelia laugh.

"Well I can say you're a very interesting person, you really want to be a part of the Royal Guard?" Lily asks.

"Yes, it's been my dream since I was a kid. Unfortunately, it will never happen since I miss some parts to be allowed."

"I don't really get it, why can't women be a member of the Royal Guard?" Ophelia asks. "I mean, we're pretty strong right?"

"Unfortunately, the King doesn't agree, women should cook and men should fight and hunt." I complain.

"Well, we should start working, you can explore a bit." Ophelia says while picking up a tray filled with food.

"You should see the training yard, it's next to the rose garden. It's easy to find." Lily says.

She also picks up a tray filled with food and walks away.

Maybe I should see the training yard




Next to the rose garden, she says, it's easy, she says.

Walking through the corridors I finally find the excite which leads to the rose garden.

It's about time, I've been walking around for almost an hour.

Following the sounds of clashing swords, I make it to the training yard. The training yard is kind of a colosseum. I take a seat on the bleachers where I am a little out of sight. I watch two knights duel. It's quite entertaining, but I wish I could participate. Suddenly the fighting stops and a young, handsome man, surrounded by guards, walks in.

''Your Highness." Both Knights bow.

I immediately get excited.

That's the Royal Guard, I am face to face with the Royal Guard. Maybe I can get their autographs? They're getting their swords!

I almost let out a squeal. I mean who wouldn't want to meet their idols. My enthusiasm diminished as soon as I saw the Prince taking a sword as well.

Welp there goes my chance of seeing a good fight. They probably will go easy on the Prince.

One of the guards gets ready and the Prince also takes his place on the field. As soon as they start fighting, I see how ridiculous the Prince fights.

And then they say girls can't fight, I guess they never seen the prince fight.

I try to hold back my laughter, but that only makes it worse because now my laugh becomes a snort. Due to my sound some of the members of the Royal Guard start looking at me and soon they all turn to me. I immediately stop laughing. They all look with a mix of emotions, some furious and others interested. The Prince looks as well.

"TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!" He yells.

I just offended the Prince. This will be my funeral.

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