Chapter 20

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~Lilith's POV~

Codey's body was picked up later that day by two guards. I tried to escape, but there were two more guards outside the door and due to my side injury, I wasn't able to beat them up.

So now I lie beaten up on the cold floor. The matrass in the corner isn't removed, but Codey's blood is all over the matrass. My door was suddenly opened and the three traitors walked in.

"Get up bitch." Xavier says as he kicks me in my stomach.

I get up on my feet and glare at them. Both Xavier and Rob grab my shoulder. I glare at Brad.

"So, baby doll, we are going on a little trip." Brad says with an atrocious smile. I feel myself shiver from disgust.

"What are we waiting for, move." I say as I try to walk to the door, but both Xavier and Rob hold me in place.

Brad laughs. "Not so fast, we don't want to have any trouble on the way." He removes his hands from his back and reveals a syringe. He walks towards me and I start to resist and wiggle my way out of the hands of Xavier and Rob.

"Stop moving, it won't hurt if you stop struggling." Rob hisses in my ear.

I, however, do not listen but start kicking as well. Brad lunges forward and injects the syringe in my neck.

"Sleep well, baby doll." He whispers.

I feel my body going numb. My legs give out, but Xavier and Rob hold me up. I feel my eyes drop and I try to keep them open. The sleep aid takes over my body and I darkness takes over.



I wake up by I bright light. I squint my eyes as I open them. I try to move out of the light, but realize I am tied to a cross. My arms are tied up diagonally above me and my feet diagonally downwards. I close my eyes again, because the light gives me a headache.

"Awakey wakey!" Brad yells in my ear and I feel a bucket of ice water being dropped on my head.

I gasp and Brad takes this opportunity to stuff a cloth in my mouths. I try to spit it out, but he ties it around my head.

Xavier in the corner of the room snickers. Rob walks over to the lamp dangling from the ceiling that is shining in my eye and pushes it so it swings. This bothers me even more, since my eyes can't adjust to the brightness.

"Before we kill you, we are going to have a bit of fun." Brad states as he walks somewhere behind me.

Suddenly I feel a hand caress my side. "So much fun." Brad whispers.

I feel disgusted by his hand, but I can't move. He suddenly pushes on my newly stitched wound and I squirm from the pain.

"You are going to tell us some information you gathered." Brad sates as he applies more pressure on my wound.

Xavier moves towards us around me. "We give a question and you will answer."

Brad moves and faces me. I am a bit happy cause he is blocking the annoying light.

"Tell me, sweetie, you know the Prince's schedule?"

Xavier loosens the cloth tied around my head so I can speak. I do not speak, instead I glare at Brad. I knew the schedules of the Royals were secret, but I didn't know it was this secret.

I wonder how Lily got her hands on them

"Well, well... looks like we have to get it out of you. I can promise you it will be painful." Brad says as he grins. He turns around. "Rob, why don't you do the honour?"

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