Chapter 6

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~Lilith's POV~

Blood. That's the only thing I can think about. The three men have left the house since they have cut me, leaving me to die. I am starting to feel cold and then reality kicks back in.

I start crawling to the bathroom and on my way to the bathroom I grab my shirt from the floor. Reaching the bathroom, I climb into the bathtub and try remembering all the lesson Geronimo taught me.

Step one, elevate the injured body parts higher than the heart.

I start laying down. Since I don't have any broken bones, I can elevate my legs. I rest my feet on the edge of the bathtub. The blood now runs down in the drain of the bathtub.

Alright, step two, was the wound with cold running water. The cold water will help the vessels become smaller.

I turn on the tab, cold water immediately starts pouring down. Once I finished cleaning the wounds, I start looking for tiny debris around the wound site. I remove the ones around the wound, but leave the ones on the wound since the blood will clean this itself.

Step three, put pressure on the wound.

Since the wounds are located on my leg, I can easily tie a piece of clothing on the wound as Geronimo taught me. So, I start ripping my shirt in long strips of clothing. The I continue tying the strips over the wounds to maintain pressure.

One of my thighs immediately starts bleeding less. So, this one is in the clear. However, the blood still oozes out of my other thigh.

If the cut too deep that you cannot stop the bleeding by merely putting the pressure, you can start accessing pressure points all over the body, with blood vessels connected to ones passing through the wound site.

The femoral artery, that's the one I need to locate and put the finger pressure on it to help stop the bleeding. This artery is located along the groin near the bikini line. I find the artery and start putting pressure on it with my finger. As expected, the blood coming out reduces.

Normally you would wait for paramedic to start stitching, but since it is the middle of the night it would take too long form them to show up. Because at the earliest someone has found me in the morning and can then call for help. But then I would still have lost to much blood and I would die.

I need to stich the cut myself.

The problem isn't stitching itself, no I learned that too. It's finding the rights supplies to do it and the pain I will have to endure because of myself. My body may shut down from the pain which will lead to me bleeding out. Also, if done wrong it could lead to many life-threating infections.

I need the following supplies:

Needle driver. This is what you'll use to hold the needle when you're putting it through the tissue.

Tissue forceps. You'll use these to manipulate the tissue around the wound while you apply the suture.

Scissors. To cut excess thread.

Sterilized needle and thread. When you apply sutures to someone, you're putting in and leaving foreign objects in their body. You want to make sure they're sterilized.

Thank God for my obsession with the Royal Guards and Geronimo's lessons, because I have all this stuff in a kit located in my kitchen. Most of my times with Geronimo I helped him stich up guys from the neighbourhood after fighting. Since I was a part in most of the fight Geronimo gave me my own suture kit. Now comes the hard part, moving myself from the upstairs bathroom to the downstairs kitchen.

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