Chapter 11

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~Lilith's POV~

Midnight had arrived. The guard had left when the sun was setting. I untie the rope around my waist and climb down the tree. I sneak around the palace, looking through the widows. To my surprise I see the three guards in the dining hall discussing something. Most likely their plan. Next to the entrance of the kitchen the server is slumped over the table sleeping.

I sneak to the window which leads me to the kitchen and try to open it.

Crap it's closed.

I try to devise a way to silently break the window otherwise I have to find another way in. When I look closely, I notice the kind of lock this window has. You normally open it from the inside by lifting the little metal stick. The metal stick now stands in the frame of the window. Normally you could move something between the frame and the stick and try to lift the stick. If you are lucky and use a lot of force, the stick will be removed from its place. Unfortunately, the stick in front is me is placed in the window frame, therefore placing something in between is impossible. If I wanted to open this window, I would have to file the stick. This would take too much time.

I look around trying to find another window. This is when I notice the little window at the top of the kitchen. This small window is let open to let some fresh air in the kitchen.

This is my opportunity

I climb onto the frame of the lower window and reach for the frame of the upper window. With all my strength I pull myself up. I use one of my hands to open the window further. Then I continue to slip inside. This is quit a job, since the window is pretty small. I barley fit inside, but after some struggling, I finally am inside. I glide from the window frame and make a soft landing on the ground. The sound of my landing is unnoticed since the guards are talking really loudly.

I silently walk towards the door. The door is slightly open and so I can look inside. Still, the three guards are fully engrossed in their conversation. One of them fully stands with his back toward me. The other two could spot me if they glanced sideward. I look to the sever, he is just in arms reach. I grab two wooden daggers and hold one in each hand. With my foot I quietly push the door open and grab the server placing one knife against his throat and I throw the other against the guards back. He yelps.

"Dead" I state they turn around. "just like our Royal could be."

The guard who just 'died' curses and walks off.

"Did we just lose?" One of the 'alive' guards asks the other 'alive' guard.

"I don't know." He shrugs. He turns to me. "Did you 'slit' his throat?"

"No, thought it would be more exiting if he would still be alive."

Call it stupid, but I live for some excitement.

"So, you're looking for a two vs. one." One of them grins while the other groans.

"It would be a nice practise, wouldn't it?" I smirk.

"I like your style, but not that much to let you win." The grinning one says. "The name is Dylan."

"Shut up Dylan, let kill this dude." The other alive guard is pretty annoyed.

"That is Isaac. He is pretty grumpy; he was promised sometime of to be with his family after the training." Dylan explains.

"Ah, sorry thought you were volunteers." I apologize. I turn to Isaac. "Don't worry I will make this quick."

"Ah fucking kill me will ye." He holds up his hands.

"Don't worry, I got ye brother." Dylan says and pushes Isaac towards me. "Let's kick his ass."

I push the server down in his chair. "Let get this show up and running."

Dylan and Isaac are both holding wooden swords in their hands. I still am holding my wooden daggers. We start encircling each other. Isaac swings his sword, but I bloke it with my dagger. Using my other dagger, I stab him in the chest.

"Dead." Both Dylan and I say in unison. Isaac shrugs and sits down.

"Looks like it is just you and me." Dylan says.

"I made popcorn." The server suddenly says.

"Give me that, this is going to be good." Isaac says as he grabs a hand full of popcorn.

I am a bit distracted by this scene and Dylan takes this as his opportunity. He lunges forward, but before he could hit me, I dodge his attack.

"So close, yet so far." I laugh.

"You're quick." He says. "Certainly, comes with the body, shrimp."

"Watch this shrimp beat yo ass."

I start attacking, but Dylan blocks and dodges them. We continue fighting for a while. Dylan is a really good fighter and he is pretty quick.

Not as quick as I am, though.

I make a feint to the left and Dylan falls for it. I move to the right and stab him in the chest. He dramatically falls down.

"NOOOOOoooo, I am too young and handsome to die." He grabs my foot. "Tell my mother that I love her and she can collect my stuff, except for the box under my bed. That one-"

"We get it, you died." Isaac says.

"You better pay up." The server says as he turns to Isaac.

"Fine..." Isaac groans and hands the server some money.

"Did you guys make a bet?" Dylan asks. He turns to Isaac. "And you believed in me..." Dylan looks genuinely happy, but there is a hint of mischief in his eyes. "I know you have a wife, but you can tell me if you fancy me." And everyone laughs except for Isaac.

"Ah, fuck of mate!" Isaac then walks over to me and extends his hand. "That was phenomenal, it would be an honour to have you on the team."

I shake his hand; his words fill my heart with joy. "It would be an honour to be a part of the team."

The three of us sit down. The server disappeared from the face of the earth, but we aren't that bothered. We chat a bit about everyone's lives, and my fake live. I learn more about Dylan and Isaac. Isaac, for example, is 34 years old, has a three-year-old toddler at home and he has been a member of the Royal Guard for two years. Dylan just turned 22 and has just finished his first year as a Royal Guard.


We all turn around and it is quite a sight what we see. Right Infront of us stand the King in his bathrobe, next to him stand the server with a sheepish smile.

"Your majesty." We all say together as we bow.

"Damon, just finished the challenge." Dylan states.

"So, you could've told me you killed him in the morning." The King taps his foot impatiently on the floor.

"He won." Isaac sates.

"He did what?"

"I won." I say. The King looks at me then to Dylan and Isaac, to the server, and back to me again.

"He won?" He asks the server.

"He did, was a nice fight, Your Majesty."

The King points at me. "You! Meet me in my office." He then walks of.

This can't be good.

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