Chapter 12

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~Lilith's POV~

"It's unbelievable." The King states as he looks through my documents. "An eighteen years old stable boy terminates four of my best guards." He stands up and start pacing. He looks at me.

"I can't have an inexperienced, eighteen years old boy with no background in my Royal Guard." He says more to himself than to me. "That would bring me shame."

"Your Majesty, if I may?" I ask. The king has been mumbling and pacing around the room for more than an hour.

"Please tell me you want to withdraw your participation as A Royal Guard." The King looks desperate at me.

"No, I have an idea that we could both benefit from." I start.

"Continue." The King says as he sits back down in his chair.

"I could be a Royal Guard in the shadows." The King looks confused at me. "Nobody, except for you and the Royal Guard, needs to now I am a member. I could protect you or the Prince from a distance. I would have eyes on everyone and can keep things in order."

"I don't know, how could you protect form a distance?"

How stupid can a person be?

"I can use a bow and arrow." I state.

The King looks at some documents. "You did shoot one of my guards from a big distance."

"I did, I was in the three at the edge of the forest." I explain.

"This could work.... You will be in the distance, with a height, nobody notices you. Not alley, not enemies." The King mumbles. He looks at me. "Nobody will suspect you. You will have eyes on everyone and anyone. And most important you won't be associated with the Royal guard; you'll be some server or stable boy for all they could care." His eyes light up.

"You'll be the first and only Royal Shadow Guard, the Royal Guardian. You will work behind the scenes. Everybody will think you are a server, except for me and the Royal Guard. My pride and heir will be safe." He stands up. "I am a genius!" He exclaims.

I let it slide that he stole my idea as I watch the King grab a piece of paper. He starts scribbling something down.

"Sign this contract and you'll be a member of the Royal Guard." He states as he pushes the paper and pen towards me.

I read the contract. If I die, there will not be a funeral of honour. I will get the same wages as a Royal Guard. I will live full-time in the palace, but I will sometimes get some days off. I cannot tell anyone, except for the Royal Guard and The King, that I am a Royal Guard. If anybody asks me what I do, I must reply with 'I am a server'. I sign at the bottom of the page next to the signature of the King.

"The it is settled. You'll be moved to a better room on the first floor. Me and my son both sleep on the third floor. I on the east wing and my son on the west wing." The King states while putting the signed paper in a safe. "Any questions?"

"Whose shadow will I be?"

Please be the Prince, otherwise this will all be for nothing

"My one and only heir of course." The King states. "Now move along, I have to arrange some things."




Two days have passed since I am a member of the Royal Guard. Meanwhile, I got the room on the first floor and I have been training with the other Royal Guards. I mostly train in my bow and arrow skills with Isaac and Dylan, they both made the team as well. In total there are eighteen official Royal Guards, nine for the King and nine for the Prince. To reduce suspicion, the King has made me an extra member of the Royal Guards. So, I am number nineteen on the team.

Today is my official duty and that is why I am wearing a black cloak to hide my bow and the quiver with arrows. That was also an idea of the King, because I am the shadow I should where a black cloak instead of the usual red cloak. I am walking the halls, keeping an eye on the Prince. In front of me four of the assigned Royal Guards are walking with the Prince. They are walking to the throne room, since the King of one of the nearby kingdoms is visiting.

When the group enters the throne room, I take the stairs to position myself so I can see everything. The throne room is big hall which has the height of two floors. The second floor can be accessed by the big stairs in the room or like I did through the server area. I take my position so I can overlook the scene below me.

"Wiots has been taken over by King Hureston." The King states.

"Hureston gets greedier over time. I think we should teach him a lesson." The visiting King states.

"That would be a great idea, don't you think father?" The Prince agrees.

"You think starting a war is a great idea?" The King looks disappointed at the Prince. "Son, you were taught better than that." He scolds his son.

"You will let King Hureston take over all the surrounding villages." The Prince fires back angrily. "While you're at it, just give him the whole kingdom."

"That's enough! Seth Robert Bjerg leaves this room immediately!" The King yells.

The Prince storms of, followed by his Royal Guards and, well, me. I walk backdown stairs and follow the group with a distance. They start making their way to the garden. So, I make my way to a good venture spot.

Arriving at my spot I start looking at the surroundings of the Prince. That's when I notice a pink dress running towards the Prince. I draw my arrow and hold it in place.

"Seth!" The high-pitched scream wants to make me release the arrow, but I don't think the King will appreciate it if one of the Ladies is killed.

Lady Amelia tries to throw her arms around the Prince, but he dodges it. I snort.

This girl literally can't take a hint

They, well Lady Amelia, starts chatting. Not long after her arrival, the Prince takes off to his room. Dylan starts making his way towards me.

"Our shift for today is over, wanna grab a beer with the guys?" He asks.

"Nah, not tonight, I have some stuff I need to fix." I answer. I really wanted to go, but I need to make a plan. I need to figure out who wants to kill the Prince and who will benefit from the death.

"Bummer, if you need help you, I will be in the local pub. See you tomorrow." He says as he walks over to a group of knights and guards.

I think about what he just said.

Maybe I will take his offer

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