Chapter 16

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~Lilith's POV~

It's the day after the incident and the Royal Guards of the Prince, including me, are having a meeting. We are discussing the attack on the Prince form yesterday.

"The man still won't speak. We tried different torture methods, but he stays silent." Chris states. A shiver runs down my spine as I remember my own experience in the dungeon.

"I say we torture him even more." Brad says while smiling. Brad is one of the Royal Guards who gives me bad vibes.

Dylan looks at me and I practically can see a lightbulb over his head. "I have a plan..." He says. Everyone's attention turns to Dylan. "We need to create some sort of bond between him and someone else." Some people snicker. I just look at him confused.

"Creating a bond with an assassin? Have you gone crazy!" Brad says and some people start laughing.

"Just listen." Dylan states annoyed. "We can create a bond between him and someone he already has seen. The familiar face will help us, since he will already have some sort of connection."

"He will never trust a guard." Chris fires back.

"If he knows he will not trust him." Dylan replies.

"So, it won't work. The only faces he has seen is ours and we are all guards and he knows that." Brad states.

"That's where you are wrong. He has seen one face in this group, but he doesn't know he is a guard." Dylan states as he looks at me. Everyone's attention shifts to me. "You told him; you were in it for the money, right?" Dylan asks.

"Yes, I did. He also heard that I was 'arrested', by the Knights as well." I answer.

"So, he will think that Damon is also locked up in the dungeon." Dylan states. Some people start to murmur to each other.

"You're saying Damon is thrown in the cell of the man to gain his trust?" Chis guesses.

"Yes, that is my plan." Dylan answers.

"He won't fall for it; Damon isn't injured or tortured." Greg says while looking at me.

"that could be arranged..." Dylan says. "if you're in?" Dylan asks me.

Maybe I could get more information about the man behind the scenes.

"I am in." I state.

"So, can I beat you up?" Brad grins. "I won-."

"Not so fast, first we have to change Damon in his attire from yesterday. Plus, we have to make it dirty like Damon has been in the dungeon for a day." Dylan interrupts.

"Good thing I didn't wash my clothes, right?" I say jokingly and I earn some chuckles from some members.

I am standing in one of the cells in the dungeon, wearing my attire from yesterday with here and there some tears created by me. I made sure that my bandage around my chest was out of sight.

Dylan stands in the opening of the cell watching how Greg beats me up.

"You're done?" Dylan asks Greg.

I look at my body. There are some bruises forming, but not enough like I have been tortured as well.

"Give me your knife." I say to Greg. He hesitantly hands his knife to me.

"What do you think you're doing?" Dylan asks worried.

"Be quiet, I have to focus." I snap back. I slowly cut some places on my arm, legs, and stomach. Like I have been tortured. While cutting I make sure I do not cut to deep and that I do not touch any arteries.

"You're crazy." Dylan says as he takes the knife from me.

"I know." I reply and turn my attention fully on Dylan. "Dylan, I know you are able to do this." I start. Dylan looks at me.

"I can't hurt you." He says while looking at the ground.

"I know. So, listen closely, you need to perform a rear naked choke." Dylan want to interrupt, but I hold up my hand. "You won't hurt me." That much. "You'll start in the rear mount position, controlling your opponent with the over-under grip. It's important that your bottom hand grabs your top wrist and not the other way around." I turn my attention to Greg.

He sighs and sits in front of me. "Let me guess I will be you for the demonstration."

"You guessed right." I reply and start showing Dylan the first position. "Now you'll grip my right shoulder with your left hand, like so." Dylan nods.

"Next, you'll need to pull your right arm out from under my armpit and clasp your hands together, palm-to-palm." I continue showing Dylan the steps. "Notice how mine right forearm is pointing downward. This makes for a very strong position because my arm is braced against Greg's back. As you can see Greg is still blocking the choke with his hands."

Greg and Dylan laugh. "I won't be doing that, but I'll show you how to respond."

I continue. "With my left hand, I regrip the shoulder again like I did before. At the same time, I'll shoot my right hand forward to knock his right hand off of my forearm, limiting in this case Greg's ability to block my choke." I explain. "This is a quick motion, almost like a palm strike to your rival's wrist. You don't want to push his hand slowly or leave your hand dangling out there for him to grab. It's your goal to end this conflict as quickly and effectively as possible." I show the motion.

"Now you'll return to the palm-to-palm grip." I explain. "Sorry Greg this is the part which you'll probably won't like. As you can see the noose around his neck is much tighter, and his primary defence, his right hand, has been removed from your forearm."

As you can see my elbow is positioned directly in front of Greg's nose. Ideally, your forearm will be placed under his jaw and not across your foe's face or chin." I tell Dylan.

"This will be the last step." I say. "You'll need to shoot your right hand deep behind my neck and lock it into place using pressure from your own head." I show Dylan the movement. "Your left hand should be on your right bicep. You will squeeze down and then in and up, in a hooking motion under my jaw, like so."

"You will also stretch your opponent out by extending your legs and arching your back to make the choke even more powerful, Like so." I show Dylan the movement and Greg is out like a light. I release my grip.

"You need to hold the last grip for five seconds, that would be long enough. You will feel when I am limb." I explain. "I will wake up after 30 seconds, just like Greg is about to wake up.

Dylan stares at me and then to Greg. Soon enough Greg starts groaning.

"How long was I out?" Greg says as he opens his eyes slowly.

"Around 30 seconds." I reply. Greg tries to stand up, but I push him back down. "Just rest for a bit, you've just woken up."

Greg groans and lays back down. We all sit down in silence.

"Let's get this show rolling." Greg says as he sits up straight.

Dylan walks over and with my guidance he comes in the right position.

"Good luck." He says before he tightens his grip.

I start feeling sleepy and things start blacking out. Then everything is gone.

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