Chapter 4

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~Lilith's POV~

I sit in the corner of the cell and I try to make myself as small as possible. It's the beginning of summer, but here in the dungeon the temperature is cold. I think a couple of hours have gone by, but I'm not too sure.

I can hear faint screams in the distance. Somebody is getting tortured. The screams become louder this time, but the suddenly stop. I'm starting to imagine my own punishment.

Torture is a bit farfetched, right?

I hear footsteps walking towards the exit. The person is dragging something, or rather someone, along.

What if I'm next?

I start to panic thinking about the ways my life could end.

"Seriously Greg, couldn't you call someone to help you move the body." Someone on the other side of the door speaks.

"Why?" I presume Greg asks.

"Why? You cunt, now there's blood on the floor." The first-person states angerly.

"Nice, isn't it." Greg says.

"Oh, my Lord, how do I even..." The person sound frustrated. "Greg, do you think the King will like it if there is blood on his floor." He asks Greg like Greg is a four-year old.


"Well, start cleaning then."

Somehow the scene outside my cell door calms me. Maybe it's because Greg is not the brightest. I start to wonder what Greg will look like. Judging by his voice he can't be older than sixteen. Though I am not sure. As if on que my cell door opens and a young boy reveals himself.

"Water." He places a cup of water. As I look past him, I see a teenage boy sweeping the floor.

Guess I know what Greg looks like

"Thank you." I mumble to the water boy. The door is closed again. I walk over to the cup of water and start drinking it slowly. When I notice it just regular water and not some poisoned water, I drink up the cup.

At least I won't die from dehydration.

Some time passes by and I start to walk around the cell. Luckily for me I find some coal. Taking this opportunity, I start to doodle a bit around the cell. And since I can't draw everything kind of resembles a potato, this includes a tree I tried to draw. Giving up I sit back down and the cold envelops me again.




I think four hours have one by when I hear some footsteps and some muffled voice in the distance. Then I hear the footsteps approaching me. They stop in front of my cell. Silence, just silence. I slowly stand up.

Suddenly my cell door is opened and Ophelia walks in.

"Lilith!" She enfolds me in a hug. "I leave you alone for two minutes and you end up here in the dungeon." She laughs and lets me go. When she looks me in the eye, I notice the tears welled up in my eyes.

"Hey it's going to be fine." I put my arm around her to comfort her. "Benjamin will help me."

"I heard you guys talking about me." Benjamin says as he walks in the cell. I let go of Ophelia.

"Hey Benjamin, any news yet?" I ask. I look at him questioningly.

"Yeah, that's why I'm here. You have another visitor." As soon as he spoke familiar face walks in.

"You Highness." Ophelia and I immediately bow.

"Rise, we need to get down to business." The green-eyed Prince observers me. "Apparently two of my best staff members are very fond of you." He looks over at Benjamin and Ophelia and then looks at me again. "You, however, have a record of getting into trouble."

I gasp. "That's not true!" I immediately cover my mouth.

Shouldn't have talked back

The Prince walks over to me. "You should watch your mouth." I look at Ophelia for help, but she avoids my gaze. "Since I am in such a good mood" I look up at him. "I will let this one slide."

"Thank yo-." I start.

"I am not finished." He interrupts. He looks over to Ophelia and Benjamin. "You two can go back to work, we can finish this on our own." He says. Ophelia hesitates as she looks at me. "Now." The Prince demands.

"Yes, you Highness." And both Benjamin and Ophelia leave the cell.

"Lilith, is it?" I look back at the Prince and nod. I feel very unconfutable with the Price alone. "I'm sorry I can't hear you." He smirks.

"Yes, my name its Lilith." I say through clenched teeth. I can feel my anger arise. The Prince notices this.

"You have anger management issues." He states.

If he's trying to get on my nerves it works. "I do not!" I defend.

His eyes twinkle with amusement. "Oh, you do, peasant."

"Excuse you! What did you just call me?" I ask, well more demand, angerly.

"Oh, you heard me." He starts laughing and starts walking to the door. I am confused by his action, which he seems to notice. "Lilith, you're banned from the palace." He looks at my shocked face. "Nice potato by the way." He walks away

"It's a tree!" I call after him and hear him laughing as he walks away through the corridor.

I'm banned from the palace!?

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