Chapter 15

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~Seth's, aka the Prince's POV~

I woke up this morning, still angry from yesterday. I hop in the shower and let my thoughts wander.

I am the future King, my advice should be taken seriously

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. Once I am dressed there is a knock on the door. I walk to the door and open it. In front of me stands one of the maids with my breakfast.

"Your Highness." She says when she bows, keeping the tray as still as possible.

"Thank you, you may leave." I reply as I take the try.

I close the door with my foot. I walk to my desk and place the tray on it. I sit down on my chair and start eating my food. I go through some reports from yesterday. That's when my eyes fall upon multiple reports about attacks in our neighbouring cities. I stand up and make my way to my father's office.

This is what happens when you let some King loose.

The two Royal guards posted outside the door open the door when they see me approaching.

"Father." I say as I enter the room.

"Good morning son, cooled a bit down from yesterday?" My father replies while looking at some papers.

"No." My father's head shoots up at my reply. "I think I was right." I throw the all the reports of the cities which have been attack on his desk. "Look what has been done to our Kingdom."

My father takes the papers and looks at them. "You want to start a war, because of this?" He says as he throws the reports off his desk.

"You want to let King Hureston take over our Kingdom!? He is the man behind these attacks and you know it!" I say loudly. "YOU will let innocent people be killed, because YOU don't want to start a war!?" I state emphasizing my opinion.

My father stands up from his chair and leans forward on is desk. He then points at me. "You do not know if it was King Hureston, you have no prove." He hissed. "This could have been some rebels from the villages."

"You seriously believe that?" I ask unimpressed.

"King Hureston is innocent until proven guilty, and I do not see the evidence pointing towards him."

"I will prove he is guilty." I state.

"And how will you do that?" My father asks, curiosity written over his face.

"I will visit these cities and collect my evidence." I say as I turn around and walk out of the office.

One of my father's Royal Guards walk over to me. I believe his name is Isaac, but I am not sure because frankly I do not care.

"Should I assemble all your Royal Guards that are on duty today?"

"Yes, sure. Tell them to meet me at my room." I state as I make my way back to my room.

After a few minutes, six of my nine Royal Guards report to their duty.

"I heard something about visiting some cities?" One of them decides to speak up.

"Yes, that is true, I made a list of which cities we will visit." I reply, showing the paper in my hand.

The one who spoke up reaches for the paper and I hand it to him.

I guess he is the commander of the group

"Is this the order we will be visiting?" He asks looking at the paper.

"Yes, that's right." I answer. "Who are you again?"

"Dylan Werdsword, I was one of the Royal Guards of the King last year, You Highness." He replies as he bows.

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