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The elevator doors to Sebastian's loft opened and Pearl stepped inside

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The elevator doors to Sebastian's loft opened and Pearl stepped inside. It had been some time since she was back here, their busy lives intercepting with their plans. Pearl had many memories on the roof, watching the orange sunset over the river.

She walked past the cozy living space to his bedroom area. There, on his king size bed, laid Sebastian.

Pearl set the tray of coffees on the table and went in the opposite direction towards Sebastian's work room. Wooden workshop tables were ridden with blueprints, boxes of paper and miscellaneous items. His robot vacuum with a picture of Ryan Gosling attached to it, bumped into Pearl then went its way.

Pearl picked her weapon of choice. A police siren Sebastian had acquired in a pop-up black market. She plugged the siren in and pressed the button at the bottom. The room filled with the loud siren and flashing red and blue lights. Sebastian groaned painfully.

"What the fuck, Pearl," he grumbled.

Pearl turned off the siren.

"We need to talk,"

Sebastian sloped half in bed, half out, still snoring.

He was a finicky sleeper but once he finally found a peaceful slumber, even hell wouldn't wake him. Pearl would have to bribe him. She brought over the coffee cup and let him take a whiff. Like a rabbit, he woke up immediately grabbing onto the coffee cup.

"I hate you," he said, sipping the hot coffee.

"Hate your coffee addiction,"

Pearl spotted his journal on the bed side table. His journal - one of the many items his therapist recommended for a better sleep. Seeing it out on the table meant he didn't have a good night. Sebastian groaned laying back on the bedframe.

"You see this," she pointed to his phone, "You can put an alarm on it."

"What if I forget to keep an alarm?"

"Ugh, hopeless. I half expected to find Sierra here."

"No she's at home, tucked in, probably sleeping still because there's no human alarm to wake her. Lucky girl."

Pearl sat on the chaise, "I saw the picture."

"How bad is it?"

"Spread faster than wildfire."

Sebastian took a big gulp of the coffee and got up to put on his robe. 

"So you two have gone past the benefits phase then."

"The opposite actually," he said. "I decided just having sex was..." he shrugged. "boring."

Pearl laughed out loud. "Having sex with Sierra Parker is boring? The hottest girl at Dalton? You'll need a better excuse."

"We have nothing in common, Pearl."

"Can you blame her for being in love with herself more than you? You and her are pretty much the same in that department."

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