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"You blocked my request?"

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"You blocked my request?"

"Maura, calm down,"

Maura did not calm down. Captain Harries was not immune to her outbursts and thought how much easier men were to manage.  Sure, she was good at the reports but he couldn't see someone so frail as her out on the field. But he had hired her to shut down reports that he only hired a select few individuals to be on the force.

"I checked with the surrounding neighbors, they've seen a car matching that description come and stop outside the building."

The captain didn't budge.

"Look if we responded to every compliant about suspicious activity with a squad car, we would get nothing done."

"It's just for a week. Just station Jones outside, then we'll see if it's actually a cause of concern or not."

"We don't have the resources—"

"Bullshit! You lent a squad car to Dick just so he could show off to his daughter's school,"

"That was a strategic move. I wanted to boost the police's image. God knows we need now more than ever."

"We need to do better, Captain."

Annoyed and angry, the Captain asked, "Are you telling me how to do my job, Gonzales?"

"Look, that neighborhood had a loss due to the negligence of a police officer--"

"Stop right there," Captain Harries glared at her.

"His name was Trevor Goulding and an officer shot him. We need to show the neighborhood that we are with them, not against them."

"Trevor Goulding did not comply with the officer's instructions—"

"He was a kid—"

"Do not interrupt me when I am talking. I have been very patient with you, Gonzales! That neighborhood is filled with gangs and crime. I'm not wasting our resources on a silly little complaint. We need to protect people who are like us. Everyday people who want to go about their life not worried when some maniac will pull out a gun. I have vouched for you. I have given you this promotion, despite you being a girl but you are proving to put your emotions over your job. I don't want to take disciplinary action against you but time after time you disobey."

Maura shut her mouth. Her mother often told her that her mouth got her in a lot of trouble. This was one of those times.

"I want you to forgot about this case. You're being assigned to desk duty for a week."

Maura groaned. "You're kidding me right,"

"I'm not," he said. "And I suggest you some time off after and think about your place here. If you don't have the courage to make difficult decisions then maybe choosing a different career would be best,"

Maura left the office enraged.

"Someone's angry," Dick taunted.

"Read my cup, asshole,"

She sat down, her desk piled with manila folders. Carlos popped his head in.

"Captain asked me to bring these folders over to you,"


"Not a good time, got it." He left her alone but she almost wished he'd stay. Anything to make her stop feeling like this.

She had to run her mouth. Just like she did with Julian. Two miscarriages were what it took for their marriage to fall apart. But hopeful, optimistic Maura didn't want to lose him too. So she convinced him to go to her mother's shaman.

"She's the real deal," she had told him. Both of them had grown up in families that were very religious and spiritual. So when she told Julian that the Shaman had told her they were going to have a boy, she saw the hope back in his eyes. Six months later, she had another miscarriage and the doctor had proclaimed that her uterus was 'inhospitable'.

The doctor was a dickhead.

The shaman was a sham.

Julian was gone.

She was a failure.

A med-school dropout who thought it would be a good idea to protect the people she loved by becoming a police officer. She wasn't even sure if anyone loved her now except her dog Rufus. Maura forfeited the idea that she ever thought she could make a change. She couldn't even get her own life together, how was she supposed to help anyone else's.

She planted her feet and got back to work, counting down the days till the week was up. 

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