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Sebastian and Richard's story started in London, England, when they were pupils at Barnes Primary School

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Sebastian and Richard's story started in London, England, when they were pupils at Barnes Primary School.

In Richard's Barnes school days, he remembered Chester, Edward, and Yusuf, friends that were now attending Eton. No Sebastian. But Sebastian remembered Richard who was one of Barnes's brightest pupils, the teachers loved him and all the students wanted to be his friend.

It wasn't until Richard's family re-located to the Americas that Richard's whole world shifted. He no longer had friends. He no longer belonged. His accent stood out and he was cast aside, no matter how much he tried to fit in.

Sebastian had always been alone. When he was thrust in the world of Americans, he simply shrugged and picked a book off the shelf to accompany him.

Alone, Sebastian would wander the halls at lunchtime or venture out into the school yard, find a nice spot to lay down and rest. The teachers handled him like an antique. They knew who he was, who his father was, they couldn't touch him for the fear doing something his father wouldn't like. Plus, he was not lacking academically so they looked but left him alone.

One lunch period, Sebastian ventured out into the school yard. The sky was dark, building up an current he could feel in the air. Everyone had stayed inside for lunch in case it rained. Sebastian hadn't brought a lunch. His father was too busy to hire a housekeeper, so he put some bills on the counter to buy food but Sebastian instead collected the money in a secret fund. At the Worthington estate, Sebastian barely even ate one meal a day. As long as he moved his food around on the plate enough times, nobody noticed. He had lost 11 lbs. at the estate, becoming stick and bones. Some days he felt so lethargic he would sit in bed and do his homework and fall asleep beside his books. He noticed his bones becoming more prominent every time he looked in the mirror but didn't care for it. He had made the connection between money and power. Money is what got his attention back then.

He picked up a fallen branch and traced the building floor with it. He found a caterpillar and let it climb on branch, then transferred it to a tree, making sure it would be sheltered from the rain.

He went back to tracing the building until he hit a stop again. This time it was a person.

"Ow," Richard groaned miserably. Sebastian knew he should apologize but he was too surprised at sight of him. In front of Richard were three silver containers, inside each one was steaming hot food that made Sebastian's stomach growl. Richard Agarwal, the popular boy at Barnes, was eating lunch alone outside.

They stared at each other, both English boys in an American school yard. Suddenly they felt more a like than they did at Barnes.

"My mummy doesn't like me eating food that's not ours," Richard said and Sebastian didn't remember asking. That's how Richard was. He could talk to a tree if given the chance. "She says I'm going to grow up and eat chicken nuggets for dinner if she fed me other foods. Something about a palate. I don't quite mind chicken nuggets, to be honest. I could eat chicken nuggets for the rest of my life," he scooped up gravy and put it on some fluffy bread. "Nick and Sadie say that my food smells," there was hurt in his voice. Sebastian had been well acquainted with it. "But they can rot in hell. Their food looks like vomit but mummy told me its not nice to say things like that,"

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