Chapter 65 - risky feasting

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You and Ben walk along the dirt trail to the market stalls that held the food. Ben had endless questions about all the things he had never seen before. He would ask "Whats this" and "whats that?" Its was plenty cute at first but it started to get on your nerve.

"Hey Y/n, whats-"
"BEN" you grab him by the ears with both hands "If you don't chill out for five seconds I will kill you!"
"okay, okay!" he says in pain "just let go of my ears!"

Before you let go you hear laugh from one of the stalls. It was the baker.

"I see you're in high spirits today Y/n " she smiles "Here shopping for your granny?"
"Oh yes" you let go of Ben 
"Hm, and who do we have here?" she looks to Ben
"I'm Ben" He rubs his ears "Nice to meet you"
"You know my dear boy I don't think I've seen you around before, and I know I can't smell very well nowadays but I take it you aren't a Misch demon?"
"No ma'am"
"Y/n just who is this boy?"
"Remember when I said I used to live in the human world, well this is my boyfriend from that world"
"Ah, I see now" she hands you two loafs of bread "then welcome to our humble village Ben"

you reach into the pouch and before your fingers can even touch on of the coins the baker shakes her head. She gave you two loafs of bread the first time you shopped here, was this for Ben since he was new here? You smile and gladly take the bread, she waves goodbye as you go off to finish the rest of the shopping. Both the two of you hold many types of food on the way home. Your grandma thankfully holds the door open for the two of you and helps you set things down. Next thing you know she informs you that she is making a feast for the house and all the pastas. 

"I will go out and get the meat" She steps outside and shuts the door behind her
"wouldn't the mean be in the market with the other food?" Ben tilts his head
"Misch demons can get wild about fresh meat so its kept under lock and key but can be sold elsewhere" 

You head to the sink and start washing dishes from last night to empty the sink. The window is open and you can hear a misch child laughing with her father and mother. You smile and chuckle for a moment. 

"Do you want kids Y/n?" Ben asks

you nearly tobble over and turn to him wide eyed 

"wait no I didn't mean it like that!" his face goes red
"What else could you have ment!" you shout
"I ment do you like them because you looked at that family through the window so fondly"
"I...I don't know" you start "I never even thought of having kids" you place your hand on your stomach "I mean I like kids but I dunno" you cross your hands and look down 

Ben comes into view makinging you look up. You let the subject wash away and hours go by. The feast starts, the light sets and the night rises. The lanterns are lit and the town truly starts to thrive. You can see the other demons have grown jealous of you within a day seeing they couldn't join the feast after your grandma tells them "this is a private feast so please be on your way" They one by one walked away grumbling and mumbling about how they didn't even want to go. Ben says as he takes your hand and twirls you around the two of you dance the night away and soon enough the group slowly breaks off the others go to their temporary homes until a home big enough for all of them can be built. All except Ben who doesn't dare leave your side. 

"Its getting late" he says
"Stay with me tonight?" 
"of course"

The two of you find your way to the front door and walk up the stairs. You open the door to you room and playfully pull Ben along. He takes your hand and twirls you around again, the two of you laugh cheerfully. You look at Ben and the laughter fades, your eyes are locked onto each other lovingly. One of his hands reach up and holds your cheek. You nuzzle into it smiling gently at him. His fingers run through your hair and softly pull. You can't help but whimper and blush.

"Fuck I missed that voice of yours" he whispers

He kisses your neck and pulls you towards the edge of the bed and before you know it you're sitting in his lap kissing him passionately. Your heart was racing as he kissed your skin ever so softly. This was it, your body trembled as his touch sent you through pleasurable emotion.

"B-Ben" you gasped


"Hey Y/n, I was told you went inside an-" A voice enters the room

you turn around to see your brother

"Hey!" Vincent yells "get off of her!"

Vincent has pulled you away from Ben and now is "protecting" you from him.

"What did he do, did he hurt you?" He asks frantically
"you bastard, I knew you were scum the second I saw you!"
"Vincent hes my mate!" you shout
"He shouldn't be in your room this late!"
"I'm allowed to make my own decisions!"
"Look, Vincent" Ben crosses his arms "I don't mean Y/n any harm, I really do like her"

"well I-" Vincent starts

You grab your brother by the arm and push him out of your room closing the door and locking the knob. You know he means well but you are capable of making your own choices! He yells from the other side of the door but eventually calms down and leaves. You sigh and look at Ben who seems slightly impressed.

"I assume I'll have to get used to that?" he asks
"don't you start" you groan
"Y/n," Ben lifts up your chin making you look at him "whatever the future has in store for me I know you'll be right there with me" Ben smiles 

you chuckle this wasn't too bad after all

Author's note: 

Hello everyone and thank you for reading the final chapter of Glitching again Ben Drowned x reader. I hope you all enjoyed it and continue to read my other stories. 

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