Chapter 12 - Faded Memory (Part 2)

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(F/c) = favorite color

The door opens and Ben walks inside and the form of your mother leaves.

"Oh h-hey Ben!"
"Hey" he says looking like somethings on his mind
"You okay?"
"Yeah just the fact someones being an ass"
"Oh I'm sorry"
"Nah its not your fault" he sits in the chair by you bed
"Soooo . . . not to be pushie or anything but what did your father say?"
"About that" he laughed nervously "a few things have been going on and I had to postpone it"
"Yeah sorry" he said with guilt
"Oh no its okay! Really!" You smiled at him "I was just curious is all"
"Oh hey this is for you" he said handing you a box wrapped in green wrapping paper with a red bow on it.
"Didn't know it was Christmas already" you joked
"Oh crap I didn't mean to do that I swear!" He said realizing that he wrapped the box up in Christmas colors.
"Its alright" you said opening the package. Inside was a phone and an expensive looking one at that! A black string was attached to the top right corner and something was attached to it. You turn the phone around to see a little Legends of Zelda fairy in (f/c) attached to the other end of the string.
"Ben, how did you buy this?"
"My dad has more money then he knows what to do with" he said worried about your reaction "do you like it?"
"Oh...I'll return it then" he said bowing his head upset
"I don't like it, I love it!" You shouted
"Y-you do?"
"Yeah of course!"

You hugged him tightly. He hesitated at first but then hugs back.

"My dad said he'll pay for it so you don't have to worried and my number is already put into your contacts, so if you're in trouble you can call me"
"Aw you care!" You joked

His phone rang in his pocket making him jump a little. He looked at the screen and had an 'oh no' face on.

"Whats wrong?"
"Hes gonna kill me! I told my dad i was walking to the store and I kinda lied" he scratched the back of his head "I wanted to give you your gift today because your other one is out of date"

you look at you old phone

"Yeah it is a crappy one, it glitches a lot" you said " you should probably get back to your father" you said upset
"Yeah" he groaned getting out of the chair
"see you tomorrow?" You asked
"Of course y/n" he said leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

You sigh looking at the phone and see that you got a text from Ben.

♡ see u later

you smiled as you read the text and texted back

see you tomorrow

You turned the phone off and set it on the table. This phone wasn't glitching it all definitely a plus. You got back to work on making a mist clone of your mother. You imagine her in front of you.

(A few hours later)

Her grasp held your hand for fractions of a second and then faded away. You tried again and again making her able to hold your hand. In the end you could make her real enough for her to hold your hand for five seconds. But she would always disappear! Tears danced down your face knowing this wasn't the real deal. She was just a stupid clone! She was gone and nothing can change that!

Glitching, again? (Ben Drowned X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now