Chapter 1 - Hospitalised

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A requested Ben Drowned X Reader story hope you guys enjoy! I don't own any of the creepypastas mentioned in this story.


Your blood shot eyes opened

"Hospital room?" You said

You look around. A blood bag is connected to a plastic tube and that tube is connected to your arm. Bandages are to be seen on your left leg. The sound of metal and glass hitting the floor made you jump. You turn to the cause of the noise. A nurse is in the room, shes backing up at the sight of you. A metal platter is a few feet in front of her and is on the floor. Medication pills are now spilled across the floor and glass shards are laying there with the pills. You see some water along with it. She was looking at you in both astonishment and fear. She dashed out of the room.

"HEY! Wait! " You protested "Whats going on?"

You hope that she comes back to answer you but she was already gone. You might as well wait you can't feel your leg and obviously can't walk. Looking outside scared you. Seeing the cold breeze of the winter sent a shiver down your spine. What happened? you think to yourself. Your memory pools inside your head like a glass being poured full of water. Voices spoke all at once.

"hold on tight"  your mother's voice speaks 
"Sleep well?" she speaks again
"Pointless"  you hear yourself reply
"Nah" you reply again to an unheard question
"Got your seat belt on?"  your mom speaks
"Then we're off!"  she speaks again
"Something wrong?" she asks

All of those voices belonged to you and your mother. Your eyes widen as you start to remember. you remember it so clearly. The car was stuck, it's freezing, mom is stressed, you can't find good Internet connection (like you ever could) and to top off all of this with a cherry you almost died!

The car is in the driveway of your house. You're holding your knees to warm yourself up. Your mom outside of the car, and using the snow shovel to push the snow out of the car's way.

"Pointless" You mumble. "There is no way we're gonna make it out of this weather"

You check your phone and like usual the glitching background is showing. Ever since that one day all of your electronic devices have had this creepy background and have never been working properly. The time is 8:00 A.M. it's a stupid cold morning, you're late for school and ice covers the streets. Mom finally carves out a path through out the snow barely wide enough for the car to get by. She gets inside and starts the car.

"Got your seat belt on?" She asks looking at you through the little mirror.
"Mhm" You nod
"Then we're off!" She pushed the gas petal and drove into the streets.
" sleep well?" She said trying to make conversation
" nah"
" something wrong?" She asks
" No, I'm fine"

The traffic light flickered on and off with the color red signaling drivers a train was coming. Your Mother hit the brakes but the car slid on the ice. Your phone turned on and you got a text. You read it.

hold on tight

That's weird, you don't have anybody's phone number nor did you tell anybody your phone number. Instinct took over when you saw the train getting closer and closer. You took a firm grip onto your phone. However you had tried in vain, the car was still sliding! Your mom turned the steering wheel as fast as she could making the car spin on the slick ice. As the car spun you could see clear as day that the train was getting closer. Sparks on the rails were being produced by the wheels meaning someone was trying to stop the train. The train came to a full stop and just in time too! Your car smashed into the side of the train now at a complete stop. Flipping the car over. You tightly shut your eyes and wait for the chaos to pass.

Once it did you slowly opened your eyes. There is a ringing in your ears and everything is blurry for a few seconds. Glass from the car window shattered. The car was now upside down. The glass in the small mirror is shattered and your mom was quietly in her seat. Thank god she had her seat belt on! 

"M-mom?" you call out weakly "Mom are you okay?"

"......." silence, was she . . . gone?

You too felt yourself being pulled into the feeling of sleep. But you did not give in! You reached for your seat belt and clicked the button releasing you. You fell down bit you were okay for now though. Your car door still has its window. You start punching it, you need to get out of this car.

"Let" You hit the glass with your fist "me" and again "out!" you gave it all you got

With the final punch the glass shatters but some glass is still connected to the sides of the window you don't care though. You crawl your way out. But something is holding onto your leg. A seat belt maybe? You can't see what but you try to Break free from it. You call for help. In due time voices are heard and hands reach out to help you. You take hold of one and you are about four quarters out of the car. Metal creeks and cries out. The car its going to collapse. sadly the car is coming down and the left over glass on the window you broke came down with it. You were able to pull your right leg away from it but not your left leg. Screaming in pain you tighten your grip on the hand you held. Your nails dig into the owner of it. Men and women tried to push the car up but only for a fraction of a second. But that was all the time they needed. With great force they pulled you further away from the vehicle. Your leg almost completely cut off from your knee felt nothing it was numb to say at the least but other than that no feelings were to be felt. A questionable amount of blood came from the leg. You had no fear of it but it was far too much in your opinion.

"Hurry call an ambulance!" A voice shouted.

Blood oozed from the car. Strength overwhelms your body.

"MOMMY!" You screamed.

You had tore free from the people dragging you away and crawled to the car. But they pulled you away from your destination knowing it wouldn't help seeing more blood of the woman in the car.



" LET GO!"

You screamed over and over until you blacked out.

Here you are back in the hospital room. As you saw those memories trails of unhappiness dance down your cheek. You wiped away thousands of tears but to no end. 

"This can't be happening" You said "no, please, god no, I want to wake up!"

Author's note:
Tell me if you liked this and yeah I know Ben wasn't there but he will in the next update! Trust me!

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