Chapter 3-Journals

Start from the beginning

The sentence sits off. The paper is smudged. Then my phone starts ringing. I sigh out and put the rest of the Journals in the bag I brought with me. I then pull out my phone and answer.

"Hello?" I question to the person on the other end.

"Hey, little bird. Look we need you to come over." Damon said sounding urgent.

"How soon do you need me there?" I question worry dripping from my voice not used t hearing Damon this way.

"Like yesterday. Oh and can you pick up Elena too?" I asks.

"Sure I'll be there soon," I say as I end the call. I quickly head back to the Lockwood estate and get in my car. I drive to Elena's house to see her already exiting her house.

"Hey, Lena! Need a ride?" I question already knowing the answer.

"Yeah." She says hoping into the vehicle with me."They called you too huh?"

"Yep." I respond popping the 'p'.

"Are you okay? You look sleep-deprived?" Lena asks worriedly.

"Yeah. Couldn't sleep much last night so I stayed up doing research." I reply vaguely. She drops the subject and I drive in a comfortable silence.  Soon enough we pull up to the Salvatore house. Elena and I get out and head to the door. I knock on the door and Damon opens it.

"Hello, Elena." Damon greets. He then turns to me. "Little bird." He says as he opens his arms. I jump in them. as he smiles at me.

"Is Stefan here? He called, said it was important." Elena says as Damon puts me down leaving his arm to draped around me.

"Right this way," Damon replies as he lets Elena in and leads me along. As we approach Elena Stefan appears.

"Hey." He says to the both of us I nod in reply with a smile, one that he returns.

"What is this about Stef? Damon sounded pretty urgent, something he usually isn't." I state with worry. Damon rolls his eyes and Stefan turns to look at somebody behind him. I angle myself better to see. Behind Stefan I see Rose.

"You." Elena mumbles. I just stay silent knowing that she's here for a reason. Rose gives a timid smile. Stefan and Damon then lead us to the living room. Stefan takes a seat while I take one opposite. Damon is leaning on the seat behind me and Elena is sitting in front of a pacing Rose.

"Ok, you have to understand I only know what I've picked up over the years. And I don't know what's true and what's not true. That's the problem with all this vampire crap. But Klaus I know is real." Rose starts off. Klaus the younger brother to Elijah. One of the originals. 

"Who is he?" Elena questions intrigued. 

"One of the originals." I start off. Damon smirks at me and continues my sentence.

"He's a legend." Damon finishes.

"From the first generation of vampires. Like Elijah." I inform Elena. 

"No. Elijah was the Easter Bunny compared to Kalus," Rose said sounding scared.

"Pfff! Easter Bunny. He would be greatly offended if he heard that Rose." I say still chuckling. Damon whacks my head making it lurch forward and I turn to glare at him. He gives me a look telling me to 'shut-it' and I pout and look back. Rose takes this as a sign to continue.

"He was a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose finishes as me and Damon simultaneously roll our eyes at that comment.

"Kalus us know to be the oldest," Stefan said with a ghost smile on his lips at mine and Damon's antics.

One Of A Kind (Klaus Mikaelson x OC)Where stories live. Discover now