Chapter seventeen

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Jamal's POV
"You Okay son?" I hear dad call out again..
We were in a meeting with some investors and to God who made me... I lost track the minute they turned on the slides... which is unlike me

"I'm fine..." I shrugged and open the files.... pretending to know what's going on

I looked up to see that the investors were concluding the presentation.. well shit, now I have to sit back tonight and go through the proposals thoroughly...
Even thou I trust dad and Mahmud to detect any red flags... I still needed to make the final decision.

I stood and shook hands with them
"Thank you for coming... we will go through the proposals and get back to you next Monday." I stated but my father coughed... what?

They shook hands with them and left.. now both dad and Mahmud are looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked confused...

"You're getting married in 2 days... you should take the days off." Mahmud trailed and I rolled my eyes

"It's fine... you both are already taking care of everything anyway..." I said sarcastically

"Hey! Cut your old man some slacks... it's not everyday my only son gets married." My dad shrugged

"Dad... I have been married before.."

"Well last time I wasn't even in attendance now was I?"
He spat back..

I knew it had hurt him that I went against his wishes to marry Khadija... hell Maybe that was why it didn't work out...
It's true they say to listen to your parents... you never know what they foresee ahead of you.
Now I'm paying the price....
And now once again... marrying for the wrong reasons

"Well! I better get going... I have a lot more PLANNING to do!" Dad stands up and threw me a smug look... he's enjoying this

He gave Mahmud a pat on the shoulder and left the office...

"DONT!" I yelled before he could even start speaking

"Oh come on! You don't even know what I want to say!!!" He started but I already knew...

"I'm not interested Mahmud.." i trailed.. not wanting to ponder on it much

"Oh common! You need to loosen up a bit... the guys miss you, a little bachelor party wouldn't hurt anyone!" He tried again but I just opened the file and ignored him

I know he wants to do this for me... but I am not in the mood, and I don't even know why I am not in the mood

My phone was ringing and I reluctantly checked who it was.. if it wasn't my daughter... or my wife to be...
I wasn't interested..

It's Leila... my fiancé.... and my heart skipped a beat.. why does this happen to me

"Salam.." I heard her sweet voice and instantly missed seeing her... I gave her the week off to prepare for the wedding and now I wish she was here

"Salam dear, missing work already?" I joked and I heard her snort... and I knew she was rolling her eyes...

"You wish... I wanted to ask if I could take Leena dress shopping after school today... I finally have a day off from mama and Nini" she sounded exhausted...

"They can't be worse than dad can they? I asked amusingly

"Trust me... I have been fitting dresses since 8am today... and they still aren't sure... I can barely feel my legs right now." She whined and I don't know why... but I wished I could take off the stress for her

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