Chapter thirteen

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Leila's POV
I sit on my office chair.. finally breathing... that was an intense conversation back there... I think I need to learn how to breathe more often... when he's around...
Marriage???? Really Leila???? What are you getting yourself into??? They are practically strangers and you want to sacrifice your time and happiness for them??
Well technically they are not strangers... they are your godfather's family? My subconscious trying to reason with me

I took another sip of my black coffee as I try to type in some new emails for Mr Jamal... your husband to be..

I still find it impossible to comprehend... after he left my house yesterday.. I couldn't sleep till this very moment.. hence the very bitter black coffee i am taking now... I'm usually the cappuccino type

I get a text from Nini asking for status update... she's the only person that knows what's going on... and she knew we were supposed to discuss the terms this morning.. she's probably sitting at her desk shaking her legs impatiently... she's a very impatient woman

I text her back saying to meet me at home for the update.. and she sent an eye rolling emoji... meaning she's pissed I'm making her wait...

There was a soft knock on the door and uncle Fahad peeped in... I felt my heart pound... he saw us a bit too close to one another in the office... God he probably thinks I'm trying use Jamal or worse... sleep around...

I couldn't help but give him a soft smile that didn't reach my eyes...

"May I sit?" He asked politely and i nervously nodded

"I have to say I'm a little hurt sweetheart..." he trailed.. looking me dead in the eyes... oh shit, he knows...

"I know.. I'm so sorry, I just didn't know how t...." I frantically started when he cut me off

"How you and my son fell in love?" He asked with a smirk on his face and I paused... what?

"Uhm... I.."

"I have always dreamt that this would happen.. but I never wanted to be the one to suggest it.. I want you to be happy Leila..." he trailed...

"Are you sure you love him? And he's not just trying to for..."

"He's not uncle Fahad..." I interrupted and he smiled... but I knew he was trying to figure me out...
"Jamal is a really nice person up close... and he's a very loving father... and I love that and so much more about him..." I explained... everything I said was the truth... but don't ask me the so much more part...
How sinfully sexy he is?
How I love his eyes...
How I wonder what it feels like to.. OKAY I GET IT! I battle with my subconscious...

"So this is for real?" He asked again... looking a bit surprised and I smiled and nodded, just then my office door opened and there stood Jamal... he looked like he had been standing there for a while... and averted my eyes from his... know fully that I'll just freeze again

"Pops if you're done interrogating my wife to be... i'd like to take her out for lunch now..." he said mischievously and winked at me... he's gonna kill me with his witty bad boy behavior

"Okay! Okay! I have ALOT to do now that I have received the best news of my life... I'll see you guys later! Ma assalam" he blew me kisses and I chuckled... he patted Jamal on the shoulder and you could see the undeniable joy he feels and my heart sank...

"We are going to hell for lying to our parents!" I blurted out the second uncle Fahad was out of sight...

"Relax... technically... we're not lying... we ARE getting married aren't we?" He shrugged and I rolled my eyes... which earned me a glare... oops
"Not for the right reasons..." I muttered and I think he still didn't recover from my eye rolling case cause he was still gawking at me in shock...

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