Chapter twenty-three

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Leila's POV
"Your palms are sweaty... are you okay?" I hear Jamal ask as he stroke my hand that he has been holding since we left the house..
Heading to court with baba, Mahmud, 2 lawyers and my husband in a 2019 Mercedes Benz V class

To say I was nervous was an understatement I was nervously playing with my fingers when Jamal reached out for my hand again

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To say I was nervous was an understatement
I was nervously playing with my fingers when Jamal reached out for my hand again.. the butterflies in my tummy were alive again
I looked up and met his beautiful eyes..
Ya Rabb I still haven't recovered from our encounter last night.. thinking about it make my head spin.. and I can't stop thinking about it..

I try to distract myself from it, but then I remember the court case and my chest tighten
We arrive and were taken to a private office to prep before time
Jamal refused to let go of my hand and I didn't fight it, because I suspect that it made him feel a bit better and I was more than happy I could help

"It's time, let's proceed to the courtroom" the lawyer announced and everyone tensed
We walked to the front of the courtroom and met with 4 people, Khadija, her husband Hamza, and two others who I assume to be their lawyers

"Why is my daughter not here with you" she purred looking mischievously at Jamal and ignoring the rest of us

"I am not going to let her go through this trauma because of you" Jamal said angrily tightening the grip he had on my hands

Khadija noticed our hands intertwined together and she saw red, sending daggers towards me
She scares the shit out of me but I know if I show fear, they will use it against me

"Common my love, let's go inside" i surprised myself and probably everyone around us, I saw the brief moment of shock on Jamal's face but he smiled
"You're right, this is not worth it.." he scoffed and gestured me to walk with him

We sat behind the bench with Baba and Mahmud while Jamal sat with lawyers in front. Khadija did the same and for the first time I took time to really study her.. she was really beautiful, the type of woman that will walk into a room and heads will turn
I swallowed a lump admitting that.
I averted my eyes only for them to rest on her husband, he was staring at me like a predator and it was disgusting.. I angrily looked away and turn to Jamal
The judge walked in and we all stood up, it was a woman, hopefully she would be fair and just
Bismillah, Ya Allah help us

Jamal turned to look at all of us and we all nodded and smiled in reassurance
His eyes lingered on me longer and I mouthed a "it's gonna be okay" and he nodded

The clerk read the case and the judge took her time going through the papers in front of her then she looked up and shot daggers at Khadija
That's a good start

"Mrs khadija Haya give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw you out of my courtroom, you must have some nerve coming in her after 5 years to take back a child you left at her father's door step with nothing but a note, no call, no visit.. nothing for 5 good years.. I should hold you in contempt for wasting my time today. Council?" She spatted Angrily

"Your honor if I may, the mother admits to her wrongdoings and for negligence in the past, but we have evidence to show that Mrs khadija had not been feeling well at the time she brought back her" her lawyer started

"Are you admitting that your client was not mentally fit to take care of her daughter?" The judge cut him off angrily

"No your honor, we have medical records showing that Mrs Khadija Haya had a heart condition and she was staying alone with her daughter, she needed surgery and post-op care but she was all alone with a child, she was afraid she couldn't cope and that was why she sent her to her father, now she is fully recovered and ready to reunite with her daughter, and hopefully make up for lost times"
The lawyer explained and we were all shocked

"This cannot be true, I don't believe it," I hear baba muttering with Mahmud..
this cannot be good

"Your honor this is ridiculous, if this was true, why radio silence? How would my client have known she had a medical condition? When the baby arrived, my client tried everything possible to reach her, he traveled to London to their house and found out it was sold.
There was no communication whatsoever to explain or confirm anything.
My client became a father overnight and he has been at it till today. He is a responsible father with a stable family that the girl is already used to.. why traumatize this poor child? She was raised without the knowledge of a mother.. she now recognizes Mrs Leila as her mother.. please your honor, let's not confuse this poor child at this young age". Our lawyer finished

"Your honor, Mr Jamal may have raised her all this years, but we all know a child will always need his mother. Besides, I don't think he has what it takes to continue being the sole guardian of this child..." that bastard
"Careful now.. you better know what you're saying in my court" the judge warned

"He may have recently gotten married but we believe this was all a ploy to deceive the court your honor"
He explained

"Objection your honor.." our lawyer stood
"Sustained.. council, last warning.." the judge pointed at him with a pen
The nerve he had

"I apologize your honor but I have video evidence that will prove Mr. Jamal is not fit to continue being the sole guardian of this child.." he raised a CD packet and waved it to the judge
What's going on ? What video?

"Your honor this evidence should not be admissible because he has refused to share it with us before hand!" Our lawyer stood firm and you could see the anger and frustration of the judge

"Council, approach the bench" she ordered and they quickly moved closer to her, Jamal turned to look at us with clear confusion, just as everyone else. At this point it's safe to say that we were all worried because these people will clearly go to any length to get what they want.

After what felt like forever with both lawyers and the judge arguing quietly, leaving everyone in suspense, they finally go back to their seats and the judge cleared her throat

"Now, considering the sensitivity of this case as it involves an innocent child, I have decided to take a closer look at the case more thoroughly, I do not want to hastily make a decision that will affect this child. We shall reconvene in 3 weeks, in the meantime, seeing that both parents look civil and matured, I am giving the mother visitation rights to see and spend time with her daughter. I will see you in three weeks"

Ya Allah.
You could see the hurt in Jamal's face, then it was replaced with anger
I stood and went to his side but it was like he was zoned out, like he was not with us.. I touched his hand and he looked at me
"I can't do this, I don't want her near Leena" was all he said
Before I could think of what to say or how to console him, Khadija came closer with a smile only an evil person can possess,
"Guess I'll be seeing you more darling" she purred at Jamal and I saw red..

The lack of shame..
Aren't you married?
Bitch stick to your own
I wanted to bark at her but she turned and left

I cannot tolerate this woman
God help me

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