Chapter one

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Leila's POV
I don't want you to be sad...
I don't want you to cry...
Pray... whenever you are happy...
Pray... whenever you are sad...
Pray... whenever you are in between...
Trust in Allah.. and you shall never be alone...
It's time for me to go now...

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun.." (to God we belong and to him we shall return)
Another nightmare....
I wake up from it everyday since I lost my father... it has been 6 months since he said those last words to me, yet I see it every Time I try to sleep...

I stand up soaked in sweat... as usual, and went for a quick shower, I performed ablution and prayed fajr...

I slowly drifted to sleep on my mat... hoping to see his smiley face again...
A thousand times I had wished to follow him...
when I opened my eyes... 3 hours had past... and that... was the only sleep I got.

I hear my mom's footsteps faintly through the door... she slowly opens it, and stays silent for a while...

"Are You awake?" I hear mama's soft voice...

"I'm awake..." I reply... trying not to sound like I have been crying again... but I knew I couldn't fool her...
she was going through same... worse even, she lost her husband, her best friend... her everything....
she tries to be strong for me... but I know she's broken, I wish I was strong for her...

"Come on... let's make breakfast." She suggested and I stood up with a small nod...

I started making the egg sauce while I forced my mom to sit and watch instead...

"Uhmmmmmm whenever my favorite niece is in the kitchen... the whole house smells like a heaven restaurant" I hear my uncle Ahmad from the living room and I smiled

"I'm your ONLY niece uncle..." I yelled back

"Well you are still my favorite!" He announced as he walked towards the kitchen isle to my mom... "good morning sis!" He added and she answered with a salam

Uncle Ahmad started living with us when my dad passed away... I was an only child and we needed a father figure in the house... and I know he tries his best to fill in the empty space my dad left...

"Morning Uncle..." I say as I placed a plate of boiled yam and egg sauce in front of them... I leaned a little to get a kiss on my forehead... he always blessed me like that all the time.

"Morning princess! How's my newest graduate doing???" He asked proudly..
Yes I just finished university... first class civil engineering...
it was hell.. but I pulled through

"Meh... I miss school a little... hey uncle could I go to Nini's today? We need to start applying for jobs and all..."
I asked

"That's a great idea sweetheart... where are you looking at?"

I was about to answer when we heard the door bell... I used that opportunity to cut the interrogations short...
I went to the door and peeped...
Out of excitement I flung the door open and fell on him!

"Uncle Fahad!!!!!!!" I screamed and I hear his soft chuckle

"You're gonna kill me one day my darling! Look at you! You're sooo grown now!" He teased after flooding my face with kisses...

I hadn't seen my godfather since the funeral... he hardly stays in one place... my father used to call him a workaholic... but he always called to check on us.
He payed for my school fees and gave us all we needed.
He was truly my dad's best friend, and my guardian.

We walked to the kitchen and my mom was happy to see him... I quickly fixed him a plate and he ate like a hungry lion..

"I just miss home cooked meal... it's never the same with the rest..." he defended when he saw our puzzled look... that cracked us up.

We talked about everything... he reminds me so much of my papa that I felt a lump in my throat... struggling to speak... I tried to excuse myself, I didn't want anyone to notice.

"Leila... come sit, I need to talk to you." He spoke and I froze on my feet, because it sounded serious.

I gave a small nod and sat.

He finished eating... and cleared his throat... at this moment we were all curious

"As you know..., your father entrusted you to me, I may not share his blood... but Habib has been my best friend since preschool... we are like brothers... and you are like a daughter to me..." he trailed, and I could hear the lump he's fighting as well

"I want you to be able to trust me like a father... I know I can never replace him b..."
I held his hand..
"You are already a father to me uncle Fahad...I can never thank you enough." I say and he finally let a tear roll down his cheek.

"Thank you my child... God has given me the daughter i always prayed for ..." and he kissed my forehead

"So... what do you have planned now that school is done.?" He asked

"Look for a job I guess.. I mean I have applied for masters, but it's not starting for another 8 months... and I don't want to stay idle for that long, I wanna earn my few extra bucks."

He was smiling....


"You're starting to sound like me" he said proudly and we laughed.

"If that's the case... you can come work for me..." he offered

"No uncle Fahad... I don't want to get special treatment... I wanna work and earn it." He explained and I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"Well... technically, I'm retiring in a few months, I don't even go to the office unless it's important..." he defended but I was still skeptical...

"Okay let's make a deal... I promise not to give you special treatment in the office... I'll only speak to you like a father in private..." he offered...

"But I don't even know what the company is about? I don't know anything about it.. how can I get a job there?" I questioned and he looked like he was thinking .

"Okay... I'll give you the name of the company... and you'll make your research, and I'll help you apply... if you get the interview, you'll be hired and I don't have anything to do with it... does that sound noble enough?" He mocked and I rolled my eyes laughing ...


We stood up and he went to bid my mom and uncle goodbye

I walked him to his car and I realized something..

"Uncle Fahad?"


"If you're retiring... who's taking your place?" I asked curiously and he gave me the most mischievous smile ever...

"You'll see..."
And he quickly closed the door before I could ask any more.

He drove off in his Mercedes S300
Then I realized something... I don't know a lot about his work or family....

I looked at the business card he place on my hand before kissing my forehead..

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