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i can't believe this is the end :(



"Addalyn! Are you ready? The livestream is going to start in 2 hours and I want to make sure we get to Danielle's so we can take pictures before it starts." My mom says, walking into my room. "Why would you want pictures to remember this? I'm pissed off already as it is.." I say, finishing my makeup.

Today was supposed to be my graduation day. I would be walking out on that stage getting my diploma and shake my dean's hand. But it was all ruined because of COVID-19.

The virus has ruined everything. Calum and I were going to be moving into our new house last month, but the move-in date got pushed back. Danielle and I were supposed to be going to Hawaii for our graduation trip, but that got cancelled. I was even supposed to go on tour with the boys!

Because of travel restrictions, Calum got stuck in California, and I haven't seen him in person in 3 months. It has been the toughest three months of my life.

"I know you're upset, honey. But there is nothing we can do." Mom says. Her and Kyle drove down to Florida so they could be with me for my graduation. They didn't want me to have no family. I finish getting ready and we make our way to the car, hopping in, and driving to Danielle's house.

When we get there, Danielle's parents are finishing setting up the front lawn with decorations. "Hey, graduate!" Danielle's mom says, pulling me in for a hug. I give her a smile and walk inside to see Danielle on the phone with Luke.

"I am so proud of you, Danielle. Remember that!" I hear him say. "Thanks, Luke. I have to go, Addalyn is here. Tell Petunia that Mommy loved her." She says, sadly. Danielle was somehow more heartbroken than me about the fact that we couldn't see the boys. Her and Luke have been FaceTiming everyday. Danielle puts her phone down and opens her arms, taking me in for a hug.

Both of us have been quarantining and we both know we are all negative, so we are comfortable together.

"It wasn't supposed to end this way," I say, starting to tear up. "I know.. today won't be the same." "Girls, we want photos!" Danielle's mom says, holding up her camera. Danielle and I hold hands and walk out of the house on to the grass.

"Our babies are all grown up. I remember when this was us.. except the coronavirus wasn't a thing." Mom says, hugging Danielle's mom. "Thanks to rub it in," Danielle says, rolling her eyes.

We pose for pictures and take some with our family. As we take plenty of photos, we hear car horns honking over and over. "What's that?" Danielle asks me. "Probably some birthday cavalcade," I say, continuing to pose for photos. As the honking gets louder, I start to get more annoyed. The car comes into our view. Attached to the car were balloons and they used markers to draw on the windows. Once the car gets to Danielle's house, it parks right outside.

"Who is it?" Danielle asks me. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know, but if they don't stop honking in two seconds, I'm going inside." As if on cue, the honking stops. The car doors open, and out comes Calum and Luke.

"NO WAY!" I scream. I struggle to run with my heels but eventually make my way into Calum's arms. "Happy graduation, baby." He says. I start to cry as he rubs my back. Then reality hits me..

"Wait, wait. Covid." I say, backing up. "Addy, we got tested before we came AND we drove here from LA. It took a long time." Calum says, laughing. "Well, in that case.." I start. I rip the mask off his face and kiss him. He puts his hands on my waist and kisses me back. "I've waited three months for that, and it was so worth it," Calum says.

I walk over to Luke to greet him. After, Danielle and I walk back to the grass in a better mood to take our graduation photos. We take some alone and some with Luke and Calum. Eventually, it was time for the live stream.

We make our inside and Mom pours Danielle and I a glass of champagne. As they call our names, I start to tear up. This wasn't what I wanted. I wish life could go back to normal. At the end of the ceremony, Danielle and I move our tassels to the side. We clink our drinks and take a sip. Danielle hugs her parents and kisses Luke.

"I am so proud of you, Addalyn, and so is Daddy," Mom says, giving me a big hug. "Thank you, Mom," I say. Kyle congratulates me and gives me a hug, "Congrats, sis." I thank him and make my way towards a nervous-looking Calum. After I hug him, I look at him strangely. "What's wrong with you?" I ask.

Calum lets out a sigh and gives me a smile.

"Addalyn, ever since I met you four years ago, I've been so lucky to get to know a beautiful, talented, special lady like you. You've got me through some the hardest times of my life, and I couldn't thank you enough for it." He starts, playing with his fingers.

"I remember the first time I met you.. You and Danielle were getting ready see our show. Your smile was so bright it took all of my stress away. That's why when I saw you standing by the tour buses, I knew it wasn't a coincidence that I would see you twice. I knew that in someway we were destined to be together."

"Since then, I've seen you go from a teenager to a young adult. Watching you accomplish your goals makes me the happiest, and I can't wait to see what you accomplish in your future. You're my light, Addalyn, and I will always love you. With that being said.."

Calum gets down onto one knee and I scream. "It's happening! It's happening!" Danielle yells, jumping up and down.

"Addalyn Jameson.. Will you marry me?"

Calum opens the tiny velvet box to reveal a beautiful aquamarine ring. "Oh my God.." I say, not even caring about the ring at this point and looking into Calum's eyes. He gives me a big, but nervous smile. "So?" He asks.

"Of course.. yes! Yes!" I say, putting my glass down and holding out my hand. He slowly takes the ring out the box and places it on to my finger. "That a boy, Calum!" Luke cheers. The whole house claps and Calum stands up, kisses me.

I hold out my hand and examine the ring through my tears. "I hope I told him the right size," Danielle says, coming up next to me. I smile and embrace her into a hug. "You knew?" I ask her. "Knew that they were coming today? Not at all. Knew that he was going to propose? Yeah, I've known for about a month now." Danielle says.

"My baby is getting married!" Mom cries out running up to me and hugging me, "I can't wait for this wedding." "Please, I'm already stressing out about the planning," I say, laughing. Everyone else hugs and congratulated us and I return to Calum's side.

"I love you, Calum," I say, hugging him again. "I love you too, Future Mrs. Hood."
w.c. 1315

and just like that, it's over :( i loved writing this book so much.

after i go through this book and edit everything, i will upload a sequel! i haven't thought too hard about it yet, but im super excited.

stay tuned and thank you for reading.

laur xx

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