-twenty nine-

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Today is October 5th, also known as the last day of Sounds Live Feels Live. Calum has been nervous all day due to the fact his family will be at the show tonight. The boys are staying home with their families, but I'm leaving to return home tomorrow. There was no way I could stay longer with college and everything back home. I missed Danielle, I missed my apartment, and seeing Calum's family made me miss my own.

It was 10 in the morning, and I was getting ready to go out with Crystal. Crystal wanted to take me out for lunch to celebrate the end of the tour, and the end of my trip to Australia. "Okay, Calum. Crystal's outside. I'll be back in an hour or so." I say, walking out the bathroom. Calum didn't respond. It's been like this all day.

"Cal, please talk to me," I say, kneeling in front of him so I can see his face. He sat all the way back on the couch. His eyes were glued to his hands that were on his lap. He looked as if he was a little boy who didn't get chocolate. Finally, Calum looked up at me, his eyes filled with sadness. "When will I see you again?" He asks.

"Calum." I sigh, putting my hand on his knee, "I don't know. It might be a long time, but that doesn't mean we'll stop being friends. I'll text you everyday, just like we did in August." He nods and gives me a weak smile. "Go have fun with Crystal." I smile at him and ruffle up his hair, making my way out of the room.

Crystal smiles as I make eye contact with her. "That took a long time." She says, chuckling. "Calum's upset. He doesn't want me to leave." I say. We walk out of the building and down the streets the little cafe. We get our seats at the table and open the menu.


I was sat in the venue on my phone. I was trying to keep my mind off the fact that Addalyn was leaving tomorrow. I didn't want her to leave. With the weight of that situation on my shoulders and the fact that my parents were here for tonight's show, my depression was slowly sinking back into me.

I press the home button on my phone to reveal the picture of Addalyn and I at her birthday back at the beginning of September. She was sitting in a pool float, her beautiful smile lighting up my screen. I smiled to myself as I close the phone again, resting my head back and closing my eyes.

"Calum! I've been looking for you everywhere. They are going to start letting people in, we gotta go backstage." I hear Ashton say as he jogs over to me. He slows down and starts to notice that I'm upset and nervous. "You okay?"

"Not really, I'm nervous for the show tonight, and it's my last day with Addalyn until who knows when." I sigh. I stand up and walk out the crowd to the backstage area. Ashton walks next to me and pats me on the back. "It's gonna be alright, Cal. Everything will be okay."


I sit on the couch and watch Calum in front of me as he paces back and forth. "Calum, please calm down," I say, reaching to grab his arm but I miss. "I'm so nervous, Addalyn. Why am I so nervous?" He asks. "Well if you sit down, I could tell you," I respond. Calum sighs and sits next to me on the couch.

"Cal, you're stressing out over nothing. This is the same show you have been doing since April and May. So what? You're family is here. They won't hate you if you mess up. They love you, and they are excited to see you. I've been lucky enough as a stan and as your friend to see you so many times in concert for this tour. You amaze me everyday, and I'm so proud of the person you have become. Now you're going to go out there, and you're going to have the most amazing show ever." I say.

C'mon Addalyn do it.. Just do it!

I stand up and and stand in front of Calum as he sits on the couch. I kiss him on his forehead like he did to me.

"You missed a spot." He says quietly.


My confused thoughts were cut off by Calum placing his lips on mine.
w.c. 782

omg guys im sorry this chapter is all over the place!!

thank you for the reads xx

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